Exile But With Wings

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props to katmue for thinking of this :D [not my idea so dont use this pls]

t/w: blood and sht


"You can't keep me here forever, bitch boy," Tommy snarled at Dream with a clipped tone, effectively earning Dream's attention. Tommy ruffled his wings, a rich cream color with streaks of gold and brown streaking and dotting through the feathers, picking out some dirt that had made its way into them from the long boat ride over to his newly assigned home. Hell, as he liked to call it.

Dream glared at Tommy's wings, and Tommy couldn't help but smirk as he flapped them. Dream might have taken and blown up all his items, but they weren't anything Tommy couldn't get back, no matter how tedious and annoying the task was. Flight was probably the only thing he had that Dream could never even hope to have, and he was more than eager to flaunt it to the bastard on all given occasions.

"Just remember," Dream replied coolly, still smug with himself for finally getting the thorn in his side exiled. "Leave your exile or even come close to someplace that's already claimed, and I'll take your last life right where you stand. Fly away and I'll personally shoot you down with the most powerful bow I have." Dream gestured to Wilbur, who still seemed rather out of it, lost in thought as he stared out into the rain. Dream chuckled, gave Tommy a mock salute, then disappeared into the night, leaving Tommy alone behind in the desolate plain.

Or almost alone.

"I love flying in the rain," Wilbur, or Ghostbur as he seemed to prefer to be called these days, stared fascinated at the gentle rain, reaching his hand out so that it fell into his eagerly waiting hand. Wilbur's own wings, a pair of dull, dark brown wings with pale yellow streaks, ruffled impatiently in anticipation, smile wide and bright on his face as the rain landed on his hand. Wilbur winced after a while though, reluctantly pulling his hand out with a solemn expression when the rain started to melt his ghastly gray palm.

"I know you did," Tommy echoed the melancholic tone of Wilbur's voice, trying to reinstate his fury and outrage from his banishment so he wouldn't have to feel the more... Unpleasant emotions he was feeling right now. Tommy stretched his wings wide as Wilbur tucked his in underneath the tree from which they were stood under, watching Tommy both proudly and sadly.

Tommy took a deep breath, letting his eyes close as he stepped forward into the rain. Looking up, he felt the droplets splatter on his face and open wings, the feeling of freedom from just seeing the open night sky exhilarating in of itself. Then Tommy let his wings flap, pushing the air above him underneath, and soon enough, Tommy found himself in the sky itself.

For some reason, the sensation never failed to ease his troubles. Tommy breathed in the petrichor, the smell refreshing as he flapped his wings to go even higher, the droplets splattering against his feathers in an unrivaled thrill. Tommy inhaled deeply once again, letting himself smile as he stared at the ground that was now so far below. Tommy knew he would have to return, but for now he was... Detached, free from even the worst of his problems.

Tommy even managed a laugh through his immeasurable sadness, pulling his wings in tight like Philza showed him and free falling through the air. The wind ripped by him as the ground grew ever closer, chilling and exhilarating him at the same time. Tommy's laugh grew as he pulled his wings back out at the last moment, the air catching hold of them just as he was about to crash, sending him instead gliding so close over the blades of grass that he could feel them with his fingertips if he reached.

For just a moment, this was all Tommy needed: The feel of rain on his wings, the rush of air and adrenaline from the fall, and the temporary freedom that came from being above everything. Even the most serious of his problems. But of course, someone always had to ruin it for him.

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