Zombie AU

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zombieland saga is kind of cool okay and ngl i kind of want to write an idol au where theyre just outrageously and sickeningly kawaii instead of this 'horror' sht

c/w: zombie sht, body parts falling off, not staying dead, stitching, etc, and tommy gets hurt


The thing about running away is that finding a place to sleep is hard as ass.

Sure, Tommy has enough cash to feed him for a good while, maybe even a month if he really stretches. He didn't have a real reason to run away, and he certainly doesn't have a plan for the long run, but then again, he's Tommy Innit. He's sure something will come up as it always does, so right now his only concern is the much shorter-term issue of where to sleep for tonight. Oh, and of course, the rain.

The water comes pounding from the sky, Tommy's shoes squelching as they thump against the pavement, hood as tight around his head as he can make it. It hardly makes a difference against the thunderous storm, though, as the water seeps right through the cloth and down his forehead. Blinking some rain out of his eyes, Tommy huffs and continues running, beginning to feel the nip of cold as the wetness sinks in. He shivers, pace steady despite how out of breath he feels.

The neighborhood he's running through is decent he supposes, most of the houses seeming worn down and in need of either a repaint or some serious maintenance. They were spread out far enough to give the illusion of countryside, water forming large, muddy puddles in the yards, surrounded by fences of varying degrees of rotting or broken. Tommy pursed his lips as he sped past yet another house with the lights on, at this point just looking for a shed that wasn't completely flooded and with a half-decent roof to camp for the night.

He had nearly given up hope, running through what seemed like ages before he found something, tucked far away behind an arrangement of overgrown trees and partially out of view. His eyes widened and a mischievous grin spread across his face, taking a hard left to cross the flooded street. It was clear this establishment was abandoned, hefty wooden boards nailed across the windows, the paint all but gone in most places, revealing rotting wooden boards. A part of the roof was even shingle-less, but Tommy supposed it would do for now.

There was an odd fence around the place, actually resembling a proper fence than the others in the neighborhood, but Tommy scaled the metal easily regardless. Mud splattered his jeans as he dropped into the soggy ground, but he paid that no mind, instead rushing for the cover provided by the porch, surprisingly still upright despite the clear negligence of the place. Fighting off another shiver, Tommy's hand gripped around the the knob to the unboarded door, preparing to jiggle it and break it down.

"What kind of dumbass leaves the door unlocked?" He mumbled to himself, although he supposes he should be grateful for their carelessness as his damp footsteps entered the room, closing the creaky door and shutting out the pelting rain outside. Tommy allowed himself a long, content sigh, finally free from the unforgiving onslaught of the outside, gripping his hood and peeling it off his soaked head. He ran his hand through the wet locks, attempting to shake some of it off at least before giving up and huffing.

Turning on his phone's flashlight, he could now see that the interior was... Surprisingly well kept, considering the exterior. Tommy swiped his finger on the nearby tabletop, only a thin layer of dust lingering on his hand. He stared at it for all but a moment, train of thought interrupted and discarded just as quickly as it'd come by the sickening cold. Tommy murmured a curse quietly underneath his breath, making his way deeper into the abandoned house.

There was a worn couch and accompanying chairs in the deteriorating living room surrounding a scratched and broken coffee table, held together only by books stuffed underneath one of the snapped legs. Kicking off his muddy shoes, Tommy settled himself on the spot on the couch that didn't have the giant tear exposing its fluffy innards. Peeling the hoodie and socks that clung uncomfortably to his skin off, he tossed them haphazardly onto the coffee table alongside his discarded bag and light source, sighing as he buried himself deeper into the couch.

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