Corrupt Tommy - Alt Festival

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yall want a pt 3 royalty and ill probably make it cause now im excited

this made my friend cry so heads up


"Tommy, you can't be serious-" My complaints were quickly cut short as Tommy ripped off his bandana, slamming it against the table, turning to me with a dark expression.

"Tubbo, I can't take this any goddamn longer!" He shouted, gesturing towards the map of Manberg displayed on the wall. "I will get L'manberg back, because it's mine. I won't let either of those bastards get what they want! Wilbur and Schlatt are dead men!" My breath hitched and I reached instinctively to fiddle with my tie, only to remember I was wearing my casual clothing in the bottom of the Pogtopia ravine. It didn't seem like much of a 'topia' anymore, if I was being honest.

"Tommy, you don't have to do this," I pleaded, reaching for his sleeves. "We have each other, remember? We can get L'manberg back, but you don't have to kill th-"

"Are you with me or not Tubbo!" He roared, already sliding his netherite sword off the wall, the one gifted to him by Dream to bring Schlatt down from power. "This is the only way- If Schlatt's dead, Pogtopia can force itself back in from the power vacuum. Wilbur doesn't care about L'manberg anymore, he only wants to see Schlatt lose. He doesn't care about who or what he destroys on the way, I'm the only one that should have L'manberg!"

"Do you really want to become president this way?" I asked, looking at my best friend with a twinge of sadness. "Remember why Wilbur held the election in the first place? It was because nobody listened to him, a self-declared ruler. The same will happen to you Tommy, and yet another war is going to stat because of it."

"Wilbur was a moron," Tommy snarled, running his fingers down the sharp edge of the blade enough so that a small trickle of blood ran down his index finger. "I'll prove him wrong, Tubbo. Once I take my place, I'll make sure nobody can question it. I will be president, and this time I won't let anyone take it away from me."

"This is not why I fought for L'manberg, Tommy," I whispered, hoping to reach Tommy with my words with one last attempt. "You're acting just like Schlatt." He froze up on that last bit, but I didn't give him time to argue with me, only feeling his eyes on my back as I took my leave, preparing to slip my suit back on and make my way back into my tunnels. None of what I said was untrue, and I only hoped that Tommy would soon see just how power-hungry he was being, but alas, I knew just how stubborn he could be.

I climbed up the cobble stairs, sparing the meeting room one last glance, the door still ajar and Tommy's figure still having yet to emerge. I sighed, for the first time doubting whether I should continue to follow Tommy blindly as I had been. He was my best friend, the only one I knew would always have my back despite the political war that was raging around us, tensions only rising higher by the hour. Loyalties were easily formed and just as quickly broken in this world, but Tommy and I's had prevailed ever since the first war, the battle between L'manberg and Dream. If I gave that up, things would never be the same again.

I thought about this as I pulled my stuffy suit back on, tightening my tie just like Schlatt showed me how. In reality, there was no 'right side' in this whole political struggle, just different goals. Wilbur wanted Schlatt to lose, Schlatt wanted to remain in power, Tommy wished to take that power for himself, Techno wanted the government to fall in such a way so it can never recover, and Dream wanted to remain unopposed by either L'manberg or Manberg. My own goal was lost to me, having merely followed Tommy's lead before now.

I suppose Quackity was the most moral one of the lot, surprisingly, only wanting to hold a truly democratic election so that Wilbur's power-hungriness could remain in check, however his plan ultimately back-fired on him, having allowed yet another power-hungry man to take his place.

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