Kageyama looks around at the store and sighs. "It's just all too much," Kageyama says. 

"Alright, the decorations can be a lot, but there are always some that can cool, like come on, the reindeer are cute, and if you don't like color lights, always get white light," Hinata smiles before he drags Kageyama over to more decorations. "See, white lights," Hinata smiles. "My place has some white lights; the inside does; it's not the best idea to have bright, colorful lights inside," Hinata chuckles.

Kageyama smiles as Hinata goes on about lights. "Ok, maybe I can put white lights up at my place," Kageyama smiles, making Hinata cheer. 

"See," Hinata says before grabbing a box. "I can even come over and help you put them up," Hinata smirks. 

"Yep, I'm totally getting them," Kageyama says, making Hinata laugh. 

"You have lights, ok at least get a little fake snowman to put up; it could go inside or outside," Hinata smiles before looking at the snowman lights. 

"I'm already getting lights; I don't need anything else," Kageyama says, making Hinata groans. 

"Fine," Hinata sighs before walking to the register to Kageyama. 


"You have to at least like Christmas cookies," Hinata says as the two leave another store. 

"I haven't had any," Kageyama says, making Hinata stop. 

"What," Hinata says. "Your crazy," Hinata whines. 

Kageyama rolls his eyes and sighs. "I don't have anyone who wanna makes me some," Kageyama says. 

"I'm making you some then," Hinata says before grabbing Kageyama's hand. "Now shall we go and get you Christmas clothes," Hinata smirks, making Kageyama's eyes go wide. Hinata drags Kageyama into another store and quickly goes to the Christmas sweaters. "You should get some hat to match me, maybe a Santa hat," Hinata smiles before he picks a sweater. "We're getting you a sweater, though," Hinata says. 

Kageyama groans and looks at all of them. "They're all ugly," Kageyama sighs. 

"Whole point," Hinata smiles. 

"Why do I need one?" Kageyama asks. 

"You're coming to my party this weekend," Hinata says. "You need an ugly sweater," Hinata smiles before grabbing a sweater with Christmas cats on it. 

"I don't remember agreeing to that," Kageyama says. 

"You want to try Christmas cookies, then you're coming to my party," Hinata smiles. 

Kageyama sighs and looks at the sweater Hinata has. "Oh hell no, that thing is way too ugly," Kageyama says. 

"As I said, it's the whole point," Hinata smirks before shoving it into Kageyama's arms. 

Kageyama groans, and Hinata smiles before walking off. He comes back and quickly drags Kageyama to the checkout. The two pay, and as they're walking out, Hinata puts a Santa hat on Kageyama. "What the" Kageyama says before going to pull it off. 

"Don't take it off," Hinata whines. Kageyama stops and rolls his eyes again. "Now to your place to put the lights up," Hinata says. 


"Your place is nice," Hinata smiles as he finishes putting up the last of the lights. "It's sad you can't put them outside," Hinata pouts. 

Kageyama chuckles and sits on his couch. "Your adorable," Kageyama sighs. Hinata's face fills with a blush, and he looks over at Kageyama. "I'm not lying; your dress-up adorable, and your face is adorable," Kageyama smiles. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang