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It's finally my birthday party. All my friends are here. every thing looks nice. Just like what i wanted. I can never forget this night because its the night i met him.

"Hey! birthday girl" someone calling for me.

I turned my head to the voice, it was Jooheon. "Heeey Jooheony! You came!"

"Of course! Happy 21 years old little one!" He raised his hand for a high five.

"Thaank you bro!" I slapped his hand. I was about to tell him I'm not little anymore so he should stop saying that, That's when I noticed the person next to him, he was just staring at me with a grin.

"Right! Jordyn, meet my best friend, Im Changkyun. " I already know that.

He held out his hand and i took it: "Hi!"

"Hi.. Nice to meet you"

"Pleasure is all mine." Still grinning at me. I hope I don't look as swoon as I feel. "Happy birthday!"

"..thank you." After greeting everyone, and dancing a little i decided i needed a little break. I go to the kitchen to take a diet coke from the fridge. I've never liked alcohol and i'm not about to change my mind legal or not. so it's either this or coffee. I'd like to be aware of what i'm doing and remember it later, thank you.

"Having the time of your life?"

"I am actually!" i laughed rising my diet coke.

He raised an eyebrow with a smile.. "Shouldn't you celebrate being finally legal?"

Yugyeom entered the kitchen to take more snacks: "She's a control freak." and left just like that. Sheeesh Yugyeom thanks a lot.

Smiling I raised my eyebrows and shoulders in an "oh well" gesture.

"Um.. well since this is my first time officially meeting you, I didn't know what to get you to be honest, and this is all I could think of." Giving me his biggest grin, he held out the bouquet to me. I stared at it without moving.. Blue peonies. he continued " I heard that you don't like flowers, but these reminded me of you i couldn't resist. you can throw them if u want. "

"I don't get it." I took the bouquet and looked at it then back at him. "What is it about these flowers? You could've got me cactus."

"I told you they remind me of you." Flashing me a smile. I like his smile. I hate that i like his smile.

"But why? is it because.. of my hair? Same color." I raised an eyebrows at him.

He laughed "Maybe. Maybe not."

What does that even mean?.... "You're weird.."

"Says the girl who doesn't like flowers" he have a point. "What's your deal with flowers anyway? what did they ever do to you?"

"Flowers are so overrated! Yeah they look pretty, they smell nice for some people not me though because it gives me headache. but colors fade and scent disappears, and what you're left with is lifeless, wilted and diseased."


"Cactus on the other hand, are fearless. I don't want to be a flower, I want to be a cactus with strong thorns.. no matter how big or small, they are untouchable."

He raised an eyebrow, grinning: "Interesting.."

"But thank you, for thinking of me anyway.. and the blue peonies."

"You know what they called!" He looked at his feet, then back at me again. "Then I guess you'll eventually find out."

"Find out what?"

"Why they remind me of you." He winked and started to walk away. "Happy birthday again Jordyn. I hope you have a very lucky year. " as he left the kitchen.

I'm still stuck in my place, looking at the door he left from.. whats going on?.. then back at my flowers. What the..?...


Couple weeks later,

I was visiting my friends's house. I didn't know their friends would be there, ok i lied, i did. I saw Jooheon on Jackson's story, and i was kinda hoping that a certain person is here too. I don't know what is it about this guy that's making me so obsessed. His name was in all my searches since my birthday. It's embarrassing. Its making me feel like an idiot. And to my fake surprise he was indeed here. I can see him through the big glass door, he was sitting by the pool talking on his phone outside. God why am i excited for no reason.

He kept glancing my way. And i unintentionally kept losing the battle with myself half listening to Jinyoung talking half glancing back at him. Admiring his body, his back tattoo, his hair..

Yugyeom suddenly chimed in out of nowhere "He's hot huh! don't dream big girl i don't think crazy is his type."

Bambam joined : "yeah i agree.."

"ohmyGOD you two leave me in peace, gooo" i had a feeling they'd embarrass me if they get a chance so i gotta kick them out.

"Whatever i gotta go and enjoy my snacks anyway byyye crazy you"

Bambam running behind him shouting "skrrrrt"

"Byyyye Dumbassss" laughing.

Changkyun finished his call, and came over to where me and Jinyoung were sitting. "Oh hi Jordyn! I didn't know you'd be here today, I would've.... "

"What? brought a certain blue thing?" I was only teasing him.

"Not sure you'd want more of those."

"I don't know.. they're kind of growing on me. Just a little tiny bit" pointing with my fingers how much. "but not sure about the smell tho."

He smiles. it's so adorable that i smile too. His eyes never left mine.

"I was gonna say dress up a little to impress you, but it doesn't matter cuz i look good in whatever." he winked.

"you wish it was that easy" rising my eyebrow but sill smiling i can't help it.

But life wont let me have it, because his phone rang again.. he looked at his screen "Well i better take this. Work never ends."

He looked at me for a moment before he left to take the call.

Jinyoung's voice startled me, i forgot he was here "It's like the two of you have your own language"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Come to think of it, he's exactly your type. you guys would be perfect for each other. Are you sure you're not dating?"

"I'm pretty sure i would know if i was in a relationship with anybody. sheesh."

Funny thing is by the end of that night, he did indeed ask me for my number and i don't care if this is going anywhere or its just a casual friend thing. I was looking forward to whatever coming.


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