"I've heard about a scandal between you both, if it was real or just for pr" Emily.

"Yah it was just for pr" Camila.

She replied wanted to end the conversation by any mean.

"Right, you know being in the same business, I know about that kind of stuff;-)" Emily.

"Yah, Emily I think I should get to sleep now. Talk to you later. Goodnight❤️" Camila.

"Goodnight❤️" Emily.

Camila turned her phone off and shut her eyes, trying to sleep.


Shawn got out of the shower, rubbing his hair with the towel. He dropped the towel on his bed and moved towards the dressing table. Grabbing a watch from there, he tied it on his left wrist, then picking the t- shirt from the nearby chair, he shoved it on his head.

He moved towards the bedside where his coffee mug was placed, he picked it up along with his phone. Sipping his coffee, he opened his phone and the first thing that caught his eyes was a text from Camila. He hurriedly open it to see This message was deleted over there. His stomach twisted in several knots while thinking about what could be the text about. He scolded himself for sleeping at 12 am and not being able to see her text. Sitting there, he forgot his coffee was turning cold, all he could think was, how to know why she texted and then deleted the text. The only possible solution he understood was to text her back and ask her out about the matter. But at the end he decided, it was better to call her instead of texting.

"Shawn, what happened" Camila on the other side spoke, as soon as she received the call.

"Nothing, did I disturb you" He asked.

"No I was actually heading up for a studio" She replied.

"Oh..I actually called you to ask about the text you've sent last night..If it was something important" He asked with hesitancy clear in his voice.

"It wasn't important, actually...I wanted to send some pictures from the shoot to Roger but accidentally, I sent it to you, so don't worry about that" She said the first excuse came in her mind.

"Alright" He said in disappointment.

"Are you free, I mean after your studio session, Can we meet somewhere" He finally asked.

"Yeah..I'm free" She responded as she was waiting for him to ask her.

"Good, then I'll text you the place" He said in excitement.

"Right, ok bye"

"Bye take care" He said and shut his phone. A big smile on his face was evidence of how happy he was feeling in that moment.

"It's going to be good day, Mendes" He said to himself and sipped his coffee but made a bitter face after tasting the cold flavour, he moved the cup aside, picked his phone calling room service and ordered his breakfast.


Shawn moved his phone screen up and down for the 3rd time in a minute. Looking around, most of the people were looking at him which made it awkward for him to look at them back. Being famous wasn't an easy task, you would be in public eye for your whole life. Where were you going, what were you eating or who were you meeting it was nearly impossible to hide the truth except when you'd take the extreme measures. Like booking the entire hotel for meeting one person, that was going on in Shawn's mind. He was anxious to comfortably talk with Camila in public place but he couldn't help it as they weren't in that intimate relationship to meet in private. With a little gratefulness, a smile peeked at Shawn's lips as he saw Camila at the entrance of the cafe. He quickly moved from his chair and waved his hand towards her forgetting that he's still being watched by several people but that girl had that special affect on him.

"Hi" Camila said while giving him a slight hug before Shawn pushed the chair to offer her a seat like a gentleman he was.

"I hope I didn't make you wait so long" She said after taking her seat.

"No...actually I can wait for my whole life for you, these were just few minutes" He replied shyly looking at the table, so untypical for the guy like Shawn.

"That was cheesy" She replied jokingly.

"Maybe for you but I'm completely fine with it, if it's cheesy" He replied with a smirk now looking at Camila.

"What will you order?" He asked.

"Nothing much, just a cup of coffee" She replied and Shawn called the waiter for their order.

"So what's up, why you wanna meet" Camila asked.

"I just wanted to see you, talk to you, that's it" He replied.

"Ok then talk about something" She said.

"Mila" He sighed. "You know everything now and I'm little bit fearless but still nervous, it happens whenever I am around you" He told her.

"Nervous for what" She asked softly.

"Nervous for saying something wrong which will make you angry, I don't want to lose whatever we are left with" He said and then become quite as waiter approached to serve the order.

"Even if it's only being friends" She said after waiter left.

"Hun?" He looked at her.

"I mean whatever happened we are just barely left with a friendship" She added.

"Oh yeah totally, I'm okay with it, atleast I'll get to see you..." He shrugged.

"So if I'd have a boyfriend you'll be fine with it" She asked.

"Yeah" He paused and then continued "As long as you are happy I'm happy with it" thinking of he might regret his own words.

"Shawn" She smiled at him and his heart suddenly filled with happiness. "I love this new change in you...less egoistic" She said with a grin.

"Well love makes you to do things you've never thought of" He replied smiling back.

"Great!" She said looking down at her coffee.

"I might send you a gift very soon" He told her.

"What kinda gift" She asked after taking a sip from her cup.

"What could be the best gift you can receive from a singer?" He asked.

"A song?" She said with a doubt.

"You are so smart Mila" He told her with a smirk.

"Come on tell me you are writing a song for me?" She asked in desperation.

"You'll see, it's a surprise" He told her and didn't tell her anything else.


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