Chapter 3: Sup Host Club

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There she was.

my body is numb, I feel like collapsing into a ball and letting the tears fall.

Standing in front of me, at an arms length away.

My only memory.

And yet I cant reach her. Tears pool around my eyes and trickle down my cheek. she takes a step towards me with a small smile on her porcelain face. I cant stand it. I run towards her and pull her into a bear hug. she wraps her arms around me as I do to her. I nuzzle my head into her shoulder and sniffle. I feel her tears dipping onto my bare neck.

"Its been so long" i whisper.

I pull away with my hands still on her waist. Haruhi looks at me and I lean closer to her ear.

"why are you dressed like a boy?" I ask

"why are you?" she replies

I give her a wink and a smile which she returns.

"I have missed you so much Yurri, ever since the fire I never heard from you! I stayed up at night crying wishing for my best friend back.!" she whimpers.

I smile softly and kiss her fore head. Suddenly, I am ripped from Haruhi's grasp and thrown onto the floor. Sending a shocking pain throughout my shoulder.

"Who do you think you are! Touching my daughter like that!?" Blondie yells.

"Tamaki calm down, sh-" She pauses. "He's my friend!." she yells.

Haruhi rushes over to me and puts her hands behind my neck and helps me up.

"I've missed you so much Haruhi, you have no idea." i say a tear rolling down my cheek.

Suddenly the door bursts open and a fretting Alex launches himself into the room. He stares at me, panting his poor little heart out.

"Yurri!!" He shouts. He leaps towards me and pulls me up effortlessly and traps me in a bear hug. "Alex, cant breathe" I say gasping.

He immediately lets go but holds onto my hand. His eyes targetting Mori.

"You!" He yells stomping up to him. haha Moris shorter than Alex

"What gave you the right to touch Lady yurri?!" I stiffen. Lady.

Tamaki I think his name is, looks over to me "You cant be a girl! your hair is short, and your chest is flat!" he yells "and youre wearing the boys uniform!" I give him a questioning look "so is haruhi" I say smugly

"That doesnt prove anything!" He yells.

"Do you want me to prove it then Mr. Oh so Smart?"

"Well that would be convenient" A smug voice says
I look over to see a see an ever so boldly creature. his coal black bar was pushed back leaving his perfectly sculpted face in pure view. his glasses made him look more badass than a nerd to be honest. he was tall and lean with gorgeous skin.

Why is everyone in this club so hot?

"it says on youre record that you are infact a male, so please enlighten us" he says smugly. I laugh mockingly and walk up to him. "whats youre name?" I ask.

He qirks his eybrow. "Kyoya Ootori".

"Youre family owns the largest collection of health facilities across Japan . you are the youngest of youre siblings and last heir in line." I say confidently.

he looks bewilded but quickly composes himself "that still doesnt prove that you are a girl" he says quickly retorting.

I sigh and put my hands on his face and pull him towards me. My lips centimerters from his. "now now Mr Ootori, wouldn't you like to know?"

A deep blush spreads through out his face. I pull back, "you should have seen youre face!" I say strying to stiffle my laughter. He looks astounded that I pulled such a stunt. "Yurri what are you doing!" Alex yells fretting.

Suddenly the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch.

"well I guess I'll be going then" I say.

I walk over towards Haruhi and hug her tightly. "lets hang out after school okay?" I whisper to her.

She nods and hugs back. I follow Alex out of the room and look over my shoulder and smirk.

"bye Bye".


i KNOW THIS IS A REALLY SHORT CHAPTER BUT iM WORKING THE NEXT ONE NOW WHICH IS GOING TO BE YURRI/KYOYA POV. (if you havent guessed by now this is a kyoya fanfik tehe)

PLEASE dont hate me for updating really slow!!!

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