Chapter 2: oh.

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The school is pink.

I can hear Alex stifling giggles behind me," shut up" I say glaring at him. He straitens, and nods still smiling. "lets find the office" he says and we enter the school. once we reach the office. Alex gets his uniform and changes in the spare room, (I forget to tell you that he was going to attend school with me, sorry!!)

I take our schedules we and roam the halls until the bell rings. "Look at those two, there so Handsome!" I hear someone shout. out

Ignoring the ogling and glares, we make it to our class. The teacher meets us outside. "Mister Nakamaru, Mister Preston... welcome to Ouran! he greets. We both look at him and bow simultaneously. "Now, just wait out here until I call you both in and then introduce yourselves" he sys "oh and those earings will have to come out mr Nakamaru" suggesting towards my heavily pierced ear. I smile sheepishly and scratch the back of my head. The teacher gives me a disapproving look before he entered the classroom.. I notice how Alex looks smart and clean in his uniform. Were as i look carefree and bored.

"Now, we have to new students today, come in!" we hear the teacher say. Alex opens the door and i enter. We stand side by side at the front of the lecture hall. I scan the crowds quickly, looking to see if i recognise anyone.

"My name is Alex Preston, please take care of me". A round of 'we will!' and 'are you singles' sound throughout the hall. Alex smiles softly.

"My name is Yurri Namakura please take care of me-" I say quietly.

"ooh hes so cute"

"he would be perfect for the host club!"

"would he date me?"

Instead of actually doing work I take out my sketch book. Placing pen to paper i begin to sketch out a sky with a single floating island i can't help but add detail the before i finish doing the basic lines. I add dead vines hanging down from the island bits of rock breaking off, the pen seams to have a mind of its own as i sketch out a young girl sitting cross legged under a wilted tree holding a burnt rose. Why do i draw things like this? I've tried to draw happier scenes with lush green life and colour, but i always ends with death a darkness.

Suddenly a flash of memory shoots past my eyes. My mothers one pristine and perfect rose garden, burning in the fire from hell. But as quick as the memory came it was gone.

I blink back the tears and continue drawing. The bell rings signalling lunch and I stand. I stuff my book and utensils into my bag and attempt to hurry out of the classroom. I meet alex at the door and we begin our way to the cafeteria.

We find it quickly and walk over to the line. My head suddenly pounds and i grip onto Alex's shoulder to keep me steady "are you alright?" he asks holding my waist. I nod and remove myself from his grip. "I'm fine, just another migraine". The lunch lady looks me up and down "what do you want sweet heart?" she asks seductively. "two D meals please" I say scowling. She nods and takes two trays and loads them with food. She hands them back to us and Alex pays. I pick up my tray and Alex picks up his and tries to grab for mine. " I can carry it myself" I say. He nods and we head towards an empty table. We sit down and Alex begins to scoff down his meal. I pick at my sushi with the chopsticks and ponder over things in my mind. "Yurri...please eat" Alex says. He looks at me and I feel a pang of guilt. "I've noticed how much skinnier you are. You can't weigh over 30 pounds." He says. I put my chopsticks down and looked at the ground. I let my bangs fall into my face. Suddenly my head jerks up. Alex is leaning over the table. He's holding a bit of onigiri in between his chopsticks. "Alex wha_' Alex stuffs the rice into my mouth and forces my mouth shut. I chew on the rice slowly and Alex keeps his hand on my chin.

The food tastes amazing even though its rice. I can't remember the last time i have eaten something proper. I swallow and open my mouth again. Alex plops a piece of sushi into my mouth. He is sitting next to me now. I chew on the sushi quicker and swallow. "So all I had to do was spoon food you eh? Should have told me sooner" Alex says.

I smile smugly and open my mouth again. Alex picks up more of the fishy delicacy from his plate but before he can drop it into my mouth. I'm pulled back by a pair of arms. They wrap around my face and pull me towards a body. As instinct. My foot stomps theirs, they drop me and i whirl around and punch them square in the face. But my fist is stopped by another. I look up to see a very tall and hansom boy staring down at me. I pull my hand back and brush it on my pants leg. "I've been asked to take you to music room three" he says. His voice is deep and warm. Suddenly I feel Alex grip my waist and pull me back. He is almost as tall as him.

"By whose orders?" He asks not letting go off me.

Jesus Christ I'm short I think to myself.

"The kings" he says.

"Can I at least have your name" I ask removing myself from Alex's grip.

"It's Takashi Mori, now would you please allow me to guide you?" He asks. I nod and look at Alex. He looks down at me curiously before nodding. I smile and look back at Mori. Swiftly, he swoops me up in his arms and throws me over his shoulder, his hands firmly on my ass. "Hey! Put me down!" I yell. He starts to jog out of the cafeteria Alex following behind shouting cuss words and for me to be put down.

This charade goes on throughout the school. Teachers yelling, students laughing. Alex got lost and is probably still trying to find us. I just hung my head down in shame and embarrassment. Without warning, Mori stops in front of an old looking room. A sign hangs above it says 'music room three' "I CAN walk you know" I say. Mori seems to ignore me and opens the door with his free hand.

"HE'S HERE!!!!'" a loud voice echoes through the room . Im hauled off of Mori's shoulder and am now being held in the arms of a pair of red heads. "Bloody hell I CAN STAND ON MY Own!" well away from all of them. "Can someone please tell me what I'm doing here?"

"Now gentlemen, that is not how we handle the guests!" a smooth voice said from behind me. I whirl around to see the most beautiful boy on the face of this earth. His hair was as blonde as gold and his eyes were a beautiful violet that remind me of the flowers back in France.." Startled, I pushed myself from the twins and land on my ass. I quickly push myself off the ground and stand on my own. "I am not you're guest I was taken here without my will and Alex is probably losing his mind right now!" I yell.

"you are quite a looker aren't you?" A voice says from behind me. I turn around to see ANOTHER tall and handsome stranger.

"Hey don't you want to know who I am?' the blonde yells



"Because I didn't ask you"

I see tall dark and handsome smirk. "we heard two extremely attractive boys just started attending Ouran. So we just had to see for ourselves!" Blondie says. I look at them weirdly and take step back. "Is this some kind of kidnapping, gay club?"


"NO! Of course not! For we are Ourans proudly owned..."

"Host club!!"

I stare in disbelief. My eyes start to water and stifle my laugh. But alas, Im weak and it came bursting out. I point at Tamaki.

"Who can proudly own a host club" I laugh out. I clutch my stomach and weez out my last laughs


"Hey Its not funny! We're a serious club!" Tamaki says gripping onto my shoulder.

Pain shoots through my arm from where he is squeezing a fresh bruise from Aunty Rin.

"let me go!" I say strongly

"not until you say we're a proper club!" I start squirming and pushing him away but we wont let go!

A loud slam echoes throughout the room as the door slams open.

"sorry I'm late, i had to do a chore for a teacher" a very familiar voice says. There footsteps echo throughout the room. I turn my head around slightly and see a glimpse of brown hair. I rip myself from Blondies grasp and stare at the only real friend I've ever had in front of me.



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