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Taehyung wakes up to the ticklish sensation of the little bun licking him all over . He lets his eyes adjust to the light , his hand reaching over to pet kookie's head and sending him flying away instead .

Jimin rushes over to catch the bunny but his small hands just let the bunny slip across and land face first on the ground . Kookie grunts , getting up and giving jimin a ' disappointed but not surprised' look and the latter snorts.

The interaction ends there as kookie hurries to his owner , proceeding to licking him.

"You Okay tae"? . Yoongi asks worriedly and taehyung nods , petting kookie as the bunny takes seat on his lap . "You've been out for an entire hour".

"Yeah...it was a....lot to take in I guess.." . He says , taking the glass of water offered by his hyung .

"I'm soo sorry Taehyung" . Jimin says , bowing 90 degrees . "That wasn't how I planned the first impression" . He continues , embarrassed.

"It's fine really". Taehyung smiles , hoping to ease jimin's worry.

"I'm so sorry for making you think that I would harm Jeongguk, I- I- would never."

"Hey it's fine. I'm totally okay now". He laughs , earning a happy squeak from the bunny.

"Can we talk over dinner now ? Not be insensitive but I'm extremely hungry". Yoongi cuts in . "And I'm pretty sure you'll need more than usual to digest all the shock". He completes , walking away.

"Uhm..... I've borrowed your clothes if you haven't noticed yet....couldn't walk around naked right". Jimin says , scratching his neck sheepishly".

"I wouldn't mind though". Yoongi peeks his head in before completely disappearing , leaving behind a fuming jimin.

"So..... how about we talk over dinner ? I have a lot of doubts to clear jiminie". Taehyung smiled and jimin nodded , still blushing beet red .


Taehyung goes by preety smoothly , with jimin talking about how he and jungkook met at the adoption centre .

He sees jimin's eyes turning glassy at the memory of when jungkook was taken away from his protection . The rabbit sits up and places a paw on the other hybrid's hand, squeaking quietly until jimin finally smiles.

He learns that hybrids often lose connection with their animal forms if they hadn't shifted in a long time , and considering how jungkook's conditions had been , it might take a bit longer for the bunny to finally shift back into his human form .

He bids farewell to Yoongi and jimin , indulging himself in some cleaning afterwards. His lil' bun seems giddy too , hopping around the house in glee and occasionally coming to nibble on taehyung .

He goes to bed with the depressing thoughts still haunting his mind , subconsciously locking the door on his way. He succumbs to sleep with a heavy heart and no soft fur tickling his skin.


Lil bun couldn't believe his luck . He was free from all his cruel masters , he finally got to see his jiminie hyung , he had a home and he was safe.

With taehyungie's heat warming him , bun had nothing to be afraid of . With taehyungie's soft hands running through his fur , he couldn't help but feel like his little bunny heart would burst at any moment. With Taehyungie's scent calming him , bun needed nothing more.

Bun loved his taehyungie .


With his fluffy white ears , standing tall over his little head , bun skipped through the tiled floor , letting out a loud squeak when he reached infront of Taehyung's room.

Bun looked up , the shine in his eyes dimming the very second. The door was closed?

Had taehyung gone to sleep without him ?

Did he not want bun to sleep with him anymore ?

He raised his right paw , tapping on the door gently and squeaking.

No reply.

Koo pouted in his rabbit form , bunny ears flopped down . Bad taehyung.

He curled up on the door mat , covering his doe eyes with floppy ears and wriggling his pom pom tail to get more comfortable.

Taehyung has a lot to make up to him !

Taehyung has a lot to make up to him !

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