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"NO !"

His scream echoes loud in the mansion as taehyung throws himself infront of the panther .

"YOU WON'T HURT HIM". Taehyung takes the bunny into his arms , shielding him away from the carnivorous beasts . Kookie tries to scramble off his hold and run away , but Taehyung's grip is too tight - holding his furry body close to his chest .

The panther growls in frustration , wanting taehyung to get away from the rabbit but Taehyung is not going to oblige .

He will protect the bunny even if it costs him his own life .

"Please ..... I'll buy you as much meat as you want . Please please leave my kookie alone. "

The said hybrid squeaks , making the panther grit it's canines . Bunny looks up at Taehyung pleadingly , wanting to be free of the confinement of the older's arms .

"I won't let it hurt you bun" . Taehyung tells the animal . Kookie face palms at the lack of understanding .

"Tae". Yoongi calls . "He isn't trying to hurt the hybrid" . He continues , cautious of his choice of words.

The panther huffs before walking over to a random room. Kookie squeaks higher at that , looking at Taehyung with pouty face which the owner mistakes .

What comes out of the room is a fully dressed jimin wearing a pissed look on his adorable features . He comes closer and picks kookie up in his arms , bringing his face close to the animal and nibbling him all over which the rabit reciprocates.

"N-no no ! Gguk-ah don't do tha-" . Jimin's protests seem to be falling on deaf ear as the bunny continues to lick all over his face .

"Tae . They know each other". Yoongi says , patting taehyung on his shoulder .

After what feels like an eternity , kookie seems to be content with all the affection . He makes himself comfortable in jimin's hold and squeaks happily at Taehyung .

"I'm so sorry for scaring you Taehyung" . Jimin apologizes at last , tilting his head shyly as kookie bounces on his arms.

"Ggukie and I were best friends at the adoption centre". He continues but Taehyung still doesn't relent from staring .

Kookie knows him?

Best friends ?

A prey and a predator ?

Why hasn't he told him about jimin yet ?

Did bun not trust him enough ?

Are there many such secrets left ?

Now that bun met jimin , would he want to leave him ?

Is he going to be alone again ?

Was he even enough for bun?

All the questions whirled like a typhoon inside his confused brain . Every thing seemed unclear except the drop in his heart .

All their voices faded into nothingness and taehyung felt his vision go black .

All their voices faded into nothingness  and taehyung felt his vision go black

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