part 1(15+)

362 26 22

Warning ⚠️





I was running away as fast as i can. I didnt wanted to see...i dont want to see it...i wanted to get out of this town..any where...just not here... This place... Daegu will always remain in these horrible memories for me.. I cant stay here any longer. I dont wanted to get my stuff. I didnt wanted to return home so i decided to leave it there. I quickly washed off with rain that was pouring hard on my body. Just looking at the blood all over my hands made me feel sick... As i was cleaning myself something fell out of my sweater pocket

'what the hell' i murmered to myself. I guess i am kinda lucky. I have $20 now its enough to go ona texi. I will let them take them whereever this $20 can take me. I quickly searched for a texi off the street. I found one, i quicjly approach the texi driver, asking him in a hurry but mannered tone.

"Hello can you please take me to a place far away from here... But that is 20$ or lower."

"Sure but it wont take u that far it will..." the driver spoke up.

"Please..please just take me out from here.. " * i teared up*

I handed him the 20$ but he refused to take it. I was about to ask why but he spoked first.

"Just get in. I'll take u to Seoul. So whoever is following you or from whatever you are running from cant catch you in a big city."

"Are you sure?" i asked him with shocked face.

"Just get it before i change my mind kid" i opened the side door and get in immediately. He started to drive.

I saw the driver to turn the radio on..and there was...

Its 11:47 pm we are here in crime scene that took place here in Deagu at 11:23 pm. There was a wpmen about 20-25 years and a dead male about 40-50 years. Police believe he was strangling the lady until someone came to her to rescue. Private investigators claimed that the old man is the Mafia King in their territory who they were searching for and the women is his daughter. Unfortunately as the lady was taken to the hospital, she died on her way there. Before she died she mentioned her 'little brother'. Private investigators and police force are looking for the boy, he is called 'Mafia Prince' in their territory. Some witness cleared he was wearing a black hoodie. He is handsome and tall. If anyone sees him please report back immediately to the police force and the private investigators.

"We want to know what happened and his history with the 'Mafia king', how it all begin. Please come forward 'Mafia Prience' and the consequences if you had done bad... Even if u didnt do anything tell us your story.."

The driver Turned off the radio. I was lost in thoughts of what I heard why... Why. ... Is this happening to me... My sister died. I killed my own abusive father who killed my mom... I am all alone now... Just why... And now a whole police force and private investigators are looking for the 'mafia prience' which is me.. I was loosing it ... I couldn't take it anymore.. I felt sick..


Suddenly the driver spoke up "kid we are here" I snapped out of it and looked out of the window. It was full of lights... I got out thanking the driver before I could go he grabbed my arm.

"Be careful out there now every mafia in each territory are looking for you.. They will try to kill you. Please protect yourself. "

"Wh-what? How do you-"

"I can help u. I also worked with your father . But ur sister... She asked me about this before that can I save you? "

"My sister... "*i can feel my eyes getting teary*

" Who are you? " I asked him with stuttering voice .

"Minho. I will explain to u this later. But for now take my address and go there" *for some reason I trusted this guy*

"It's safe. I will meet you there.. But now I have some business to take care of"

"Okay... But why are you helping me? When you worked for the mafia king I mean my dad? Is there any reason... That you are listening to my sister...? "

He turned forward getting ready to drive off. The last thing I heard from his was.. "I am your brother-in-law"

He drove off before I could say something.

I was still in shock. He is my brother in-law? My sister never told me this . *I was thinking to myself and looking for the address he given me*.

I didn't ask anyone for help since Minho told me I should be careful since other mafias are looking for me. After hours of walking around I finally found it...

'Am I in the right place.. ' I thought to myself. I noticed it may be barely morning. I ringer the door bell to see if anyone is was there. Suddenly the door swinged open.

"Great! You finally here. I was about to look for you. " He smiles pulling me inside. I looked at Minho who seems kinda worried.

"Are you okay? Ik I should have dropped u off here first last night then go to my work. "

"No... It's okay... You have done a lot of things to me.. " I said.

He went t O the kitchen and grabs some food. I assume he made it.

"Here eat it. I am sure u are hungry. " He hands me the food but I refused.

"No thank you... I am not hungry. I just want to sleep but why I am here? "

"You will be living here with me. Other mafias are looking for you to kill you... Since technically your father passed his whole business on you. "

I frozed.. I was mad but terrified. Ik other mafias are looking for me but I didn't know he passed his whole business on me ...

I asked Minho again "Minho, when you said you are my brother-in-law, what did you mean by that? "

Minho stops for some seconds then calls a name looking upstairs.

"Yoonjin! Come down stairs please ! " I heard little footsteps running down the stairs.

I see a little boy running towards Minho embracing him in his little arms. "Yes dad"

My mouth and eyes we're opened wide. 'He has I son ?! '

I was confused on what was going on until I see Minho picking up the boy and turned to my way.

"Taehyung... This is my son, Yoonjin. He is also... Your nephew.. Means your sister is his mother and my wife. "

"Uncle Tata!! " He was reaching his hands for me. I couldn't believe that I have a nephew. My sister had a husband... What is going on... It's too much for me to take...

Suddenly I felt light headed ... I heard Minho and yoonjin calling my name. But suddenly my eyes we're feeling heavy. I felt myself to drop on floor and into darkness. It was pitch black..

I heard screaming.. It sounded like my sister..
" I AM COMING!!! "


" N-NO! "
" NO!!! "


Is there anyone

           Next part coming out soon
              Stay tuned with me ♡

𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 ? ☾︎𝗧𝗞 𝗠𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮 𝗔𝘂☽︎Where stories live. Discover now