Chapter 43~A lonely Tear

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Draco's POV

I sat on my bed.. starring at the wall as I usually did. It was completely silent as it usually was.. I had soundproofed my room so I could avoid hearing the screams of those captured by Voldemort and brought to the Manor, that's when my door was pushed open to reveal my mother.. she looked pale and tired as she usually did these days.

"Some snatchers are here.. they claim they've found the boy" My mother said

"Potter?" I questioned.. my mother nodded her head

"But we need to be sure.. you need to come down to look, get dressed" My mother spoke

"Ok" I said "I'll be right down" I quickly got dressed as I was snapped back into reality.. i didn't want to go down.. I didn't want to ID Potter.. I didn't want any of this.

I just wanted to be left alone. I sat on my bed again, avoiding going down. But i heard the locked door be pushed in my father stepping in.

"Draco.. what are you doing.. your mother called you down ages ago.. you need to tell us if it's him" My father said, i nodded before slowly standing up walking towards us. He grabbed the collar of my suit before leaning close to my ear. "I'm counting on you boy.. don't screw this up"

"Yes father" I mumbled. Part of me hoped the boy downstairs was actually Potter.. so this could all finally be over with.. so i could get out of this nightmare I was in maybe leave the country..

but then there was her.

The one person I could never think about leaving... the only person in the world that I truly needed.

I walked through the heavy door with my father as everyone looked at me.. I scanned the room to see a row of snatchers hold four people on their kneees to the ground.

I noticed right away Weasley and Granger..

someone i didn't recognize, his whole face was blown up probably by some kind of stinging jinx.. it was definitely Potter..

Granger could pull that off..

And then I paused.. If the three of them are here then that means.. I moved my head slowly towards the last person.

It was her.. she was looking at me too.

I froze it was as if my eyes glossed over with a window of mist. I wasn't sure what to think there she was. The one person I had been longing for during these slow long months right there in front of me. But she couldn't be more far away. And there was nothing I could do to help her

"Draco.." My mother whispered pulling me away from my thoughts "Draco come.. is this the boy?" She led me towards the one with the blown up face. I leaned in.. the second I got closer I knew it was surly him.. Haley being here definitely confirmed it. But i knew I couldn't expose him to the room of death eaters. My father proceeded to come whisper in my ear followed by me looking at Potter for a longer period of time.

"I can't be sure" I said

"Wait a minute" Bella said pushing her way through my father and I. She was pointing to a sword one of the snatchers was holding in his hands. She proceeded to scare the snatchers away before going after Granger for supposedly taking that sword from her vault at Gringotts. I flinched as she threw Granger on the ground as Haley, Potter, and Weasley were being dragged to the cellar.

"No!" Haley yelled pulling away from my mothers grip. No no no Haley don't be stupid I pleaded silently as I watched the scene in front of me. "She didn't take it" no "I did" a the whole room was silent as Bella laughed. Stepping away from Hermione Granger and towards Haley.. my Haley.

My fists clenched together tightly as the anxiety grew in me.

Haley let out a high pitched squeak as Bella threw her on the ground, similar to how she had done it to Granger but with much more force. Bella then sat on top of her restraining Haley with her arms.

"TRAITOR" Bella screamed as Haley started to cry.. How could Haley risk her life like this?

"How dare you show up here.. you fithly disgusting Bitch"

I stepped forward towards them.. enough was enough.. at that moment I didn't even care what happened to me I just needed Haley safe and away from my wicked aunt.

But my father put his hand in front of my chest.. stopping me from going anywhere. "Let her be Draco.. your aunt is handling this" My father hissed as I wrinkled my nose in disgust..

"No, no no" Haley sobbed

"we'll see about that" Bella said as she moved over to Haley's right arm moving her wand.

Haley's screams where absolutely heart breaking...

They echoed throughout the room even louder than they originally were. "Oh shut up" Bella hissed slapping Haley straight across the face.. her long nails scratching into Haley's skin causing her skin to seep blood before her body went limp. Her head wasn't facing me.

I panicked for a moment thinking she was dead.

Bella stood up demanding to see the goblin who was being kept prisoner in the Cellar.

I didn't even pay attention we he came up.. my eyes were just on Haley who was still laying limply on the ground.

Her head slowly turned towards me.

Her pupils so dialated that her bright emerald eyes almost looked black.

Blood from the scratches on her face slowly dropped onto the floor.

And with this one lonely tear made it's way from her eye.. to her nose. And finally off her cheek.. mixing with the velvet blood on the floor.

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