Chapter 68~ Everything is lost

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Ron, Hermione and I sat on those steps for hours in silence... waiting and waiting for something to happen but nothing ever did.

I found Draco that night sitting alone in the great hall taking in the glares from everyone. He looked so broken.. I almost cried at the sight of him.

"Hey" I whispered

"Hi" He replied looking up at me

"I wanna show you something" I whispered holding my hand out. He grabbed it with no hesitation before I led him down the stairs towards the Slytherin common room. The common room was out of the way so it was mostly still in tact following the battle.

"Why are we here?" He asked but I didn't respond i just led him through the common room and towards the dormitories. It was quiet and there was no one there besides us. "Haley I really don't think-" Draco started to say but I cut him off as I opened the door quickly. The open door revealed Draco's dorm room...Destroyed. Glass bottles smashed. Clothes thrown around the room.

"You came here after Ginny-" I said in relization. Draco nodded "Come here" I took his hand leading him across the room to the green sofa. The one we had shared so many nights together on. Our sofa. We took a seat as I got comfortable under his arm.

"Where's Potter?" Draco asked "Why has it been so quiet"

"He left" I said

"He's surrendering.." He said quietly. I nodded rubbing my eye slightly... who knew where Harry was... or if he was even still alive. I looked up to the window to again see the full moon in perfect view of where we were sitting.

'The flower room" I whispered

"What about it?" Draco asked

"It's flowers.. their dead.. the white roses.. dead" I said my voice quieter than a whisper "Everything Draco..Everthing is falling apart" I started to cry into him now. As He hugged me tightly. The glow of the moon casting a faint shadow of two kids... In love.. and broken

In what I assumed to be early in the morning I awoke beside Draco. We both lay uncomfortably on opposite sides of the sofa as bright light came into the room. It was too quiet... Something felt wrong.

"Draco" I whispered shaking him awake. He awoke with a groan, cracking his neck as It had been hanging off the sofa the entire night. "Something doesn't feel right" I whispered.. "We should go back upstairs" He nodded before him and I were making our way back up towards the great hall... but paused at the steps.. looking down to see Neville Longbottom limping towards the courtyard entrance.

"What is he doing?" Draco questioned

"I don't know" I said as we started skipping down the steps after Neville. Draco and I walked from the entry way as Neville hobbled towards a pile of rocks... pulling the torn up sorting hat out of the rubble. I walked forward touching Neville on the shoulder. He flinched slightly before noticing who it was... the last two Slytherins left in Hogwarts.

"Haley" He whispered ... He looked as though he was going to say something else... but something in the distance caught me eye.. A large group of people dressed in black coming right towards us.

"Oh no" I whispered as they drew closer and closer... I backed up against Draco as we began to cling to eachother... as people from the great hall started to emerge from the inside. Ginny and Arther were the first out.

"Who is that?" Ginny said motioning to a limp body resting in the arms of Hagrid who was limping closely behind Voldemort.

"Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort announced loudly.. his voice echoing around the entire courtyard I held onto Draco tighter as I felt him nervously fidgeting with the ruffles of my sweatshirt.

Ginny kept forward in a scream of agony as Arther Weasley grabbed her my the shoulders pulling her backwards as she began to snob

Voldemort tore a menacing glance into the girl as she cried out in grief

"You stupid girl" Voldemort scowled "From this point on... you all will place your faith in me" I felt Draco's hole body go stiff as I spotted His parents standing with Ivior... closely behind Voldemort.

"Draco...Draco come here" Lucius hissed

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