Part 24. Determination and Hate

Start from the beginning

Salem: So what will you do now? Without a weapon you're nothing

Blake then tried to punch Salem but she grabbed Blake by the throat

Salem: You human think you can do anything, but you're all weak and nothing compared to a god

Blake tried to escape Salem's Grasp but Failed

She tried again..but failed

She tried one more time.......but failed again

Blake Could feel the need of Oxygen, but there was nothing she could do

She slowly started to lose energy to move her arms and legs because of the lack of Oxygen

Blake: (Guess this is it......I'm sorry I couldn't have done more....Y/n)

She started to close her eyes until she saw something in the corner of her eye

It was Lostvayne, it flew up into the sky

Blake: (What?)


Someone came from the sky and Swung at Salem cutting her arm off, dropping Blake to the floor


She had finally gotten Oxygen Coursing through her lungs

Blake: W-Who was that?

She looked up and is shocked to see him

Blake: Y-Y/n? You're alive?

Y/n: Yeah Blake, I'm back

Tears welled up in her eyes

Blake: I-I'm so glad

You look around and see everyone knocked down

Y/n: ......

You then see Chara and Papyrus down as well

Y/n: Chara, Papyrus.....Looks like you gave it your all

You gritted your teeth

Y/n: Get back to the Bullhead Blake

Blake: W-What? I'm not going to leave you

Y/n: It wasn't a suggestion, it was an Order

You then turn everyone's soul blue and put them on the Bullhead

Y/n: Keep them safe Blake

Blake: ........Ok

She then started up the Bullhead


You nodded

(I didn't mention this in the last part but the teacher did come down to fight, so that's why there's no one in the Bullhead)

Y/n: ..........

Salem's arm was put back together with hate

Salem: One after another, you all don't seem to let up

You pointed Lostvayne at her

Y/n: I could say the same to you

Salem: I believe you are the leader of the Bad time trio, right?

Y/n: I might be, I might not, What does it matter to someone who's dead?

Salem: You are a Comedian

You then slice her in Half but she regenerated her Wound

Salem: You can't beat me

She then punched you but you retaliated and Sliced her in half again

Y/n: God or not everyone has their limits, and I know my friends aren't weak, so how many times is it now that you have regenerated?

The Trio of Remnant Chapter 1: Hatred (Male Sans Reader X Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now