I Know You're In There

Start from the beginning

"Look, you may be Varian's ma, but we didn't travel across the Seven Kingdoms just to be driven away by you!"  Hugo gritted teeth.  "So give us back our friend, your son!"

"You've left me no choice!"  The blue eyes began to glow as Ulla pointed Varian's staff at them.

"Scatter!"  Nuru exclaimed. They all jumped behind different bookshelves.  Nuru to the one on the right and Hugo and Yong behind the left.  There was a zap where they had been standing moments bfore.

"Since when did Varian's staff shoot lazers?"  Hugo gasped.

"Since now, I guess?"  Yong replied.

"We need a plan and fast!"  Hugo hissed.  The two ran through multiple Isles of books.

"I have a solution!"  Yong suddenly exclaimed.

"Thank goodness!"  Hugo sighed.  "Whatcha got?"

"It involves fire!"  Yong pulled out one of his fireworks.

"Absolutely not!  This place is basically made out of paper.  You'll blow the whole place up!  Ok.  New plan.  Varian's still in his body, he's just being controlled by his mom... in a way.  Theoretically, he should be able to hear what's going on.  Perhaps we can get him to fight her off."


"I don't know..."

Nuru caught up with them.  "Simple," she panted.  "What is Ulla using?"

"Magic, because I'm pretty sure it's an unexplained science.  At least to us," Yong said.

"Right," Nuru continued.  "Have you realized that there is actually a magic inside of everyone?"

"Now you have me lost," Hugo groaned.

"Hear me out," Nuru said.  "Love breaks most spells, friendship can strengthen spells, determination can fight spells, and the list just goes on.  We all know that all three of those are very strong traits in Varian."

"That's not even a theory, that's just a hypothetical idea that Dara made up!"

"Is it?  Or does she have a point?  What do we have to lose?  If has you say, Varian can hear us-"

"I said theoretically!"  Hugo pointed out.

"Ok, on theoretically terms of speaking, we can reach him.  He can understand us and we can urge him to fight this!"

"Where is Dara when you need her?" Yong asked.

"Well, she's not here, so we can't wish about what isn't.  Right now, we need to save Varian and figure out what the heck is wrong with this woman!"  Nuru exclaimed.

"So, are we doing this?"  Yong asked.

Hugo sighed.  "I've got nothing else that won't take time to research on so... guess so."

"Glad we are agreeing, because we're out of time," Nuru said as Varian (well Ulla) suddenly landed three yards in front of them.

"Were you going over the book cases?"  Hugo gaped.

"When you're stuck alone in a place like this for seventeen years, you pick up a skill or two."

"Ok, that's cool!"  Yong said.

"Guys!  Focus!"  Nuru snapped.

"Right!" the boys said.

Varian/Ulla pointed her staff.

"Wait!"  Hugo held up his hand, asking to stop.  She lowered it a little.

Yong took a step forward.  "Varian, I know you're still in there.  Can you hear me?  You gotta fight this!  I want my big brother back."

Varian hissed, putting a hand on his head.  Ulla furrowed their eyebrows down and pointed the staff at them.

"This isn't you!"  Nuru stepped in front of Yong.  "You wouldn't hurt us!  Not your brothers and sister.  Varian, we're here for you.  You can push through this!  Think of all that we've been through, all that we've accomplished.  All that you have overcome!  Varian, there's more in you!"

Varian groaned but Ulla gritted her teeth pointing the staff at them.  She growled trying to fight her way back into control.

"Oh, my gosh," Hugo murmered.  "I can't believe this is working.  Was Dara actually right?"  He ran a hand through his hair, sighing.  "Varian," he spoke louder.  "I guess you really can hear me so... you know I'm not much of one to just sit and talk about feelings and we've definitely hit our rough spots in the past.  Like that one time when I betrayed all of you, but the point is, you forgave me.  Helped me back into the light, and didn't give up on me when everyone else did!  You're stronger than this!  And I know, because you are my brother.  An annoying brother who has the tendency to prove me wrong all the time, but still.  Your my-our brother."

Varian hissed through his teeth before the angered expression slowly began to leave.  Tears rolled down his cheeks as the glowing in his eyes began to flicker.  "G-guys?"

"Varian!"  Yong sighed with relief.

Suddenly, Varian hissed again, grabbing his chest.  He sank to his knees as a mist came off of him.  The blank luminous eyes vanished as his normal baby blue returned.  Ulla's mystical figure moved back and watched as the honorary family hugged each other in their reunion. Not one of the four were without tears.  She transformed back into her human form and smoothed out her dress.  She'd have to find another way to stop them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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