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noun ~ a person with whom one has a personal bond of affection


Three weeks passed by in a blur. I had been here a month now and things were looking up.

They didn't allow me to change into my wolf in front of the entire pack due to fear of segregation, but training had been going so well. We had to start gradually, but by day five I was healed, and we got more into it. I could run five miles now and I was so proud of myself. I was becoming better in combat too and was getting more of a figure and "meat on my bones" as Sean said. It was only a month; surely not much can change?

I had not spoken to Phoenix since the attack, and it was really disturbing me. I could sense him nearby or see him in the distance, but he never came near. He spent most of his time hiding from everyone. The closest he had been was the other end of the training grounds when I ran circuits through the forest. It felt like he was avoiding me and I was bracing myself for the rejection. Maybe he felt guilty that he was going to reject me, so to feel better, wanted me to be stronger? A weak wolf can die from soulmate rejection, so it wouldn't surprise me.

"Are you ready?" Sean slid into my vision.

Blinking away from my daze, I nodded. "I'm warmed up too."

Kate and I had been working on my stammer. I was improving immensely with the comfort of her helping me. Then Sean became my dummy, and I practised conversing with him.

"Let's do it then." He grinned.

His hand found the small of my back as we walked towards the sparring circle. The teenagers that had once mocked me were watching as I approached Tia, who had beaten me the first time I came here. Today I was going to win. I was determined.

With a low whistle, Sean began our spar. We circled for a while before she jumped and attacked. However, this time I counterattacked, and she squealed in surprise. I threw punches and kicks and blocked her moves and advances. We circled for only a few moments before I pushed her to the ground and pinned her in the circle. It was easy; I won.

The teenagers clapped and congratulated me on finally winning and I blushed in embarrassment as I helped my opponent off the floor. We continued sparring with a few others, my adrenaline burning with a passion. I successfully beat all the new shifters and I felt so proud of myself. I thanked them and my wolf for being so strong for both of us.

"Took you long enough." Sean teased.

I rolled my eyes, barely hiding my satisfied smile. "What next?"

He contemplated. "How about we go train on the main grounds? I have to oversee the men at ten, but the women are on the spot right next to us."

I paused, hesitant to reply because it meant I had to go around pack members and actually group train. They still weren't keen on me and I had no friend other than Sean, so it was anxiety-provoking in the least. Sean and Charlie both ran training sessions, but since Sean trained the men, it meant Charlie would probably be with the women. And with that, often meant Phoenix too. It was rare for the entire pack to train together, but when they did, it was everybody.

Shaking my thoughts, I took a deep breath. This is my pack now. I have to be brave. I can't treat myself as lower as we are equal members.

'You got this,' my wolf whispered.

"You know what? Let's do it." I agreed.

Sean grinned in triumph and gestured for me to follow him. My nerves built with every step, and I chewed on my lip again, fingers twirling together in front of me. We rounded the large fitness studio from where the new shifters were to approach the much larger field of the adults.

Lost LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora