maria x eliza

263 14 2

idk if this will be good


Eliza was stuck with the task of driving Maria home. Maria and Eliza were stuck as roommates in college and got close, and formed an unlikely bond.

And now Maria was drunk.


I walked into the bar, and the stench of drink and sweat invaded my senses. God where are you Maria?

I walked through the bar and my eyes caught gaze at some man kissing Maria, I knew she was drunk and him probably married but drunk but I couldn't help but feel jealous.

Maria however caught sight of me and yelled my name causing a disapproving grunt from the man, I didnt hear what he heard but it was something Maria felt that she needed to argue and yell about.

I ran up and pulled her away into the car.

"Im sorry Eliza"

I saw that she had her head dropped and it made me confused.


"Starting an argument and kissing that guy"

"Why would I be mad about you kissing that guy?"

"Because it wasnt you"

I blushed at Maria's comment and yet she continued.

"I really like you, like you're so perfect like with your smile and everything and I know you were really hurt especially after the Laurens situation with Hamilton but I really like you and I always want to kiss your lips. But you can't tell Eliza"

I giggled at the last part, however my face was still heating up.

"I wont, I promise"

idk if this is good but yano

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