Risotto x Bruno's sister pt2

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Risotto's PoV,
Y/n didn't deserve the way Bruno treated her, she deserves more and her joining La Squadra meant she got that I mean granted she nearly got raped by Melone but apart from that she's at home now.
She was currently asleep on my bed while me and the guys were sat in the living room doing Jack shit but then the door began to get pounded on so Melone answered it, I looked over to the door and saw Bruno "Risotto where's Y/n!" He yelled at me grabbing my neck "she's not here" I stated with my monotone voice hoping she didn't wake up. A few minutes passed and Bruno had gone still on the search for his sister while I sat with her on my bed and her head resting on my lap as I stroked her hair while she faced my cock, I'm going to have fun with her tonight.

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