Funny Valentine x fem reader part 3

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Valentine's PoV,
"I mean you look good for a 48 year old man" she said causing me to chuckle smiling "and you're 48 and look like you're in your 20s" I told her kissing her softly, I pulled away and smiled placing a bit of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear "I'll be back in a few minutes" she said getting up and walking away. She came back after her a while and her long hair was tied up

"You look beautiful" I told her standing up walking over to her "very beautiful" I said holding her hand and kissing her knuckle up to her neck "Valentine" she giggled as we walked out our house and started the presidential speech

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"You look beautiful" I told her standing up walking over to her "very beautiful" I said holding her hand and kissing her knuckle up to her neck "Valentine" she giggled as we walked out our house and started the presidential speech.

jjba x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora