Devil Diavolo x fem reader

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Y/n's PoV,
"My dear" I heard my boyfriend say "yes Diavolo" I said looking over my shoulder as I cut up vegetables, I accidentally cut myself since I was watching what I was doing "shit!" I cursed loudly and he instantly came to my side "you stupid bitch" he said dragging me to the first aid kit "I'm sorry for calling you a stupid bitch" he said "it's fine" I said sucking the blood from my finger.
Diavolo's PoV,
"Stop it" I said pulling her finger away from her mouth and I put a bandaid on it "next time don't focus on me focus on cutting things up, I'll finish it you sit down" I told her, she nodded and I kissed her softly "good girl, I love you" I said "I love you too" She replied softly and went to go sit on the couch, I went to the kitchen to make it seem like I was continuing her work but I wasn't I was palming myself "darling" I said but it came out as a moan "Diavolo" she said smiling "stop master baiting" I heard her say "how can I when I've got a sexy ass girlfriend?" I asked walking over to her "Diavolo are you horny?" She asked, I nodded biting my lip as I sat her on my lap "don't you want me?" I asked as I held her hips making her grind against me "ahhh~ Diavolo don't do this to me~" she moaned softly, I bit my lip at her moans "I can't" she said getting off of me and into the kitchen.

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