Lisa Lisa x reader

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Lisa Lisa's PoV,
Being sat in a boat with my girlfriend felt right which it should but not only that we were both wearing masks which blocked our faces from Caesar and Joseph. After taking the masks off and going to the island I stood at what seemed like the top of hell climb pillar "are you going to throw me down there again?" Y/n asked with a grin "it's further down then it looks boys" she said then jumped down "you're insane Y/n!" I yelled laughing "but she's right go on" I said pushing both boys down then I made my way to the top of the pillar.
Joseph's PoV,
"What the hell!" I yelled as I saw Y/n already making her way up the pillar "when you get closer to the top it curves out which caused me to fall all the way back down" me and Caesar heard her say "I mean she must be right she has already been up here" Caesar said, I just nodded and watched Caesar latch himself to the Pillar with Hamon, I looked up and saw Y/n already half way up it "oh what the hell!" I yelled.
Y/n's PoV,
I got closer to the top and I saw Lisa Lisa "I hate you women!" I yelled at her "you jumped down!" "now I regret it!" We yelled at each other as I clung to the top of it "help me damn it" I said trying to pull myself up but then Lisa Lisa helped me "thank you coach" I said causing her to smile.
Lisa Lisa's PoV,
It will take the boys at least 48 or more hours where as it only took Y/n 24 hours to do it "I'm impressed it only took you 24 hours to get here" I said smiling wrapping my arm around her waist as she did the same to me "this'll be fun to tease the boys about, the fact that a girl beat them" I joked "well I have had practice on the pillar" she told me causing me to smile and kiss her cheek softly as we walked to our room.

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