Abbacchio x fem reader x Bruno part 2

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Abbacchio's PoV,
"Y/n come" I said walking into a café and I sat down opposite her "you are going to die soon" I told her tears streaming down my eyes "what do you mean?" She asked completely unaware of her hospital report "please stop smoking, you have saviour lung cancer" I told her crying "please Abba don't cry, I'll try my best" she reassured me "does Bruno know?" She asked, I just shook my head no "I don't want to break his heart" I told her and she just nodded in agreement "that's fair" She said and then we left after a few minutes.
I cried holding her body close to me "please Giorno do something" I begged him looking at him as did Bruno "I'll try" he said taking her from us and Bruno clung to me "come on Bruno" I said taking him to his room.
The next day all I could do was think about Y/n and I could tell by Bruno's face he was doing the same, we were weak because of her death and she did try desperately hard "we have a mission" Bruno said, we just nodded as I stumbled to the door, I had to push on abs forget Y/n, as much as I hate to I have to and so does Bruno "Abbacchio we need to forget her" I heard Giorno say "what do you mean?" I asked raising my voice a bit "I can't do anything I tried the best of my ability" he told me.
Giorno's PoV,
I can tell how hurt he is and Bruno too "come on Abbacchio" Bruno said and he just nodded and walked out the door "you tried Giorno don't feel bad, her death is the worst thing that we recall Bruno has been effected this bad" Mista said, I nodded and walked out the door as well and me, Mista, Narancia and Fugo looking back and began to cry at the memories we all had with Y/n that we now had to forget

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