Rohan x reader

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Rohan's PoV,
I walked into a cafe and smiled taking in the fresh smell of coffee, something I could use right now, I don't know why but Okuyasu and Josuke have been getting on my nerves a lot more worse than usual recently "Y/n?" I asked sitting at her table opposite her "Rohan, it's good to see you" she smiled then I realised she was reading one of my mangas "you like my work?" I asked my sweet girlfriend "of course Rohan, I'm your girlfriend" she said laughing softly as I placed my hand on hers "I know, you should come over to mine again" I told her, she smiled and nodded "of course I would love to" "Y/n we need to go" a man said "why?, can I not sit with my boyfriend?" She asked, he looked surprised but nodded "right sorry I'll leave" he said then left the cafe, I smiled and asked "how have been my love?" I asked as I got my drink which I began to drink which I finished in a few minutes "I've been ok" I said then stood up "I need to go" I said as she stood up and linked our arms "so do I" she said, I smiled and we walked out the cafe and a walk around a park talking about what we were going to do when she can get some free time to see me.

jjba x fem readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang