Melone x fem reader

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Prosciutto's PoV,
"Sexy female alert" I joked knowing she was dating Melone and knowing how much they've had sex she belongs to him "piss off" he said and we all laughed "no but seriously she is sexy" I said "Oi keep your eyes off of her she's mine" he said I stuck my tongue out and laughed.
Melone's PoV,
When I saw her I stuck my tongue out walking over to her "so any panties today?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist from behind "wouldn't you like to know" she said then I licked her neck "oh look the sex addicts are back at it" I heard Illuso say "piss off you dick head" she said "Oi watch your mouth" Risotto said and she looked at him "really where am I supposed to keep it?" She asked walking over to the others and sitting down "on his cock" Formaggio said wrapping his arm around her neck putting her in a head lock "speaking of sex wanna go do it?" I asked she some how got out of the head lock and ran over to me wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck "yeah" she said and I kissed her, she kissed back and we went into our room "so are you wearing panties?" I asked "no I'm not" She said. After a few minutes we walked out and a knee girl was there and she was hot so I sat next to her and began to flirt with her "that's what I thought I was for" I heard Y/n say and I watched her walked away, I was about to stand up but the new girl pulled me down and kissed me, then Y/n came back and began to cry "I knew it you are just using me" she cried and ran out of the base "you bitch" i said after she pulled away from me and I instantly ran after Y/n "baby come here" I said holding her "no what do you think you're doing!" She yelled "baby it was her she kissed me and I know you think I'm using you for sex I'm not I promise you I love you baby and she kissed me and her lips tasted like shit" I said then I kissed her soft lips that belong to me "baby I love you now let's go back" I said and she nodded and I held her hand. We entered and the girl instantly slapped Y/n "baby are you alright!?" I asked "yeah I'm fine" the new girl said "I wasn't talking to you" I said holding my girlfriend close to me "come" I said taking my baby girl to our room and cuddling her.
Risotto's PoV,
The hole gang was pissed off at this girl "can I ask what's wrong with they have been dating 6 years now and you go and kiss Melone!" I yelled knowing them two would be asleep by now "he was hot" she said I crossed my arms and I was so pissed off that she hurt my sister "that girl is my sister and go and hurt her you can leave" I said opening the door and pushing her out then locking it "and that's when you realise not to mess with the boss" Pesci said I just nodded and went to go check on Y/n and Melone and they were both asleep in each other's arms.

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