Phone Calls, Part One.

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"Your grilled cheeses are the best." Caroline said in between bites. I nodded and took another bite of food.

"So you and Ansel did it?" Caroline asked, shock on her face.

I shook my head vigorously.

"God, no." I sipped my water. "Too soon. We just...messed around."

"And how was it?" Caroline leaned in more. I glared at her and covered my face with my hands.

"You should know i'm gonna ask you stuff like that." Since it was a valid statement, I decided to tell her.

"It was really nice." I took another bite of grilled cheese. Caroline was glaring at me and I just started laughing.

“It was damn near your first time and thats all you have to say?” Her sarcastic tone making me laugh.

“That’s all I have to say.” I answered and with that, Caroline dropped her grilled cheese on her plate and stomped off to her bedroom.


The gears in my brain were turning while I sat at my desk, trying to figure out rhombuses. I pushed the worksheet away from myself and tried to take a break. Polygons were a serious piece of work. The guy across from me laughed.

“Your brain not functioning properly?” He asked me, looking up from his phone. I laughed and pulled out my phone.

“Not for polygons.” My home screen lit up with messages from Ansel.


are your legs tired?


why do you ask?


bc you’ve been running through my mind all day.


lmao I should have seen that coming.


yes, yes you should have. so why don’t you and I go out for a late lunch after school?


definitely. meet you @ our spot.


Okay. see you then. ricky said he wants to meet me though after school. so I’ll be there a little later.

that’s fine. bye, ans.


bye, baby girl.


“Adios.” I said to my Spanish teacher as I walked out. I walked to the bathroom and fixed my hair, making sure it look okay and not too wild. I pulled my shirt down and fixed my cardigan, then started to walk out when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. Ansel’s picture was on the screen.

“Hello.” I answered and I heard coughs coming from the other end of the phone. I looked around and saw that a lot of the kids had left already, but it made sense it was about an hour after school let out.

“Ansel, are you okay?” Concern filled my voice as I heard more coughs and the sound of something wet coming out.

“Please come and get me.” A voice muttered. “I’m in the parking lot.” He barely got it before he dropped his phone and I sprinted toward the street.

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