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Morgan’s POV
*2 years later*

    I took my backpack out of the back seat and looked at the campus. It was spacious and the trees looked gorgeous with the lush, green leaves. My mom got out of the driver’s seat while my siblings got out on the other side. She had tears in her eyes while my siblings just stretched their legs. I checked my phone to see any text messages from Caroline, but I didn’t have any.

“My baby girl is going to college.” My mom strained. I opened the trunk and took out my suitcase, while Micah grabbed the microwave.

“I love you, Mom.” I set the luggage down and threw my arms around her. Even though we had a rough relationship, I did love her.

“I love you, too.” My mom kissed my cheek. “Now lets get you to your dorm.”

    We walked into Twain Hall and to dorm 23. I unlocked the door and we set my stuff down. The room was fairly decent, but my roommate wasn’t there yet. My mom handed me my posters and Meghan set my other little belongings, like pictures, on my bed.

“Bye, guys.” I hugged them both. “Be good.”

“We will.” They said in unison. I wonder how my mom would handle it when they went to college. They walked out of the room and it was just my mom and I. We sat on the bed, the sounds of other students walking by filling the silence.

“He would be glad to see you here at Stanford.” My mom gave me a shy smile and I slowly nodded my head.

“If he couldn’t go to his dream school, I figured I would.” Tears filled my eyes but I quickly blinked. More silence spanned between us.

“Come visit me on Thanksgiving break.” My mom whispered. “I’m looking forward to you eating all of my stuffing, like always.”

“I will, Mom.” We both stood up and I hugged her. “Have a safe drive back.”

“I love you.” My mom started walking out of the room.

“I love you too.” She exited the room, closing the door. I took a picture out of my sweatshirt pocket. It was of me and Ansel at the Creek Clean-Up.

“We made it to Stanford.” A tear dripped down my cheek as I looked at the picture. I sat on the bed and hung the picture above my bed.

“I’m with you until the end of the line.” I kissed the picture and my new roommate walked into our room.

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