Back To School

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I put my beanie on and grabbed my backpack. Once I got it on my shoulders, I walked over to my brother’s room. He was sitting on his bed, eyes glued to the TV while the sound of electronic guns and peoples’ screams came from the speakers.

“C’mon, Micah. Or else you’re gonna be late.” I snatched the controller from him and turned off the game console.

“Fine.” He whined. Micah grabbed his backpack and stomped down the stairs. I heard my little sister’s voice coming from downstairs. I followed suit and we headed out to the car.

As soon as we all got in, she backed out of the driveway and drove towards Spring Hill High. I pulled out my phone and earphones, then played some music. I tapped my foot to the beat. My mom glanced over at me. I took out one earphone.

“Did you say something?” My voice was scratchy.

She nodded her head.

“I asked if you’re excited for school.” I took my other earphone out.

“I guess.” Thinking of seeing Ansel made me look forward to it even more. She pulled up in the school parking lot.

“You guys be good at school!” I jokingly scolded my brother and sister.

“Ya know, Morgan, we’re not bad kids.” I laughed and she smiled at me.

“I know, Meghan.” I opened the car door and slipped my backpack back on. I waved to my mom and walked onto campus.


I took a bite of granola bar and changed the song while I walked around campus. Since it was snack, I had a little time before PE to relax. As I wandered aimlessly, I saw Ansel sitting with a group of guys. He pointed at one guy sitting with them and started laughing. I didn’t mean to stare but his eyes eventually met mine.

His amber eyes lit up and I felt myself blushing. My eyes traveled to his blue-and-black flannel, along with his white t-shirt. Ansel also had on black jeans, but I couldn’t see his shoes. I waved at him and he just went back to his conversation. His arm reached down under the table, reaching for his backpack and I got nervous. I slipped into the bathroom next to me and looked in the mirror.

I pulled my beanie down a little more, fixing my hair. It came down to my shoulders and I brushed off anything on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. It was just Ansel, so I don’t know why I was getting so worked-up. I messed with the straps on my backpack and walked toward the door. As soon as I stepped out, Ansel appeared next to me.

“Hello, there, Morgan.” He had a smirk on his face. I let out a nervous laugh.

“Hey, Ansel.” I took a deep swallow. I looked up at him. His hair was messy and it was a cute look on him.

“How was your weekend?” Ansel asked as we rounded the corner so we were in the main quad.

“It was alright. Dealt with my mom, the usual.” I slid my hands in my hood. “How about you?”

“Mine was good. Hung out with my brother, but besides that, relaxed.” We walked by the table with his friends.

Once I examined them, I realized that they didn’t seem people that he’d hang out with. Most of those guys were burnouts and swagfags, the smell of pot and failure seeping through their pores. When I looked at Ansel the first time, he looked or smelled nothing like that. He was wearing a gray sweater with black lining and a black zipper, along with Adidas warm up sweats. The bell rang and we stopped walking.

“Where’s your next class?” He asked me, looking down at me.

“Locker room.” I averted my eyes from his friends and looked up at him. Ansel arm found its way around my shoulders.

“Let’s get you to PE.” He kissed the top of my head and my heart fluttered. We walked to the hallway leading to the locker room and he snaked his arm off of me. I felt light and empty.

“What lunch do you have?” I asked, eager to hear the right answer.

“1st lunch. And you?” I smiled at him.

“I have the same one.” He smiled in return. “Okay, I’ll meet you right here.” I gave him a hug and he hugged back, then we let go. I smiled and opened the door to the locker room.

“Hurry up! Or you’re gonna be late!” Ansel laughed and ran up the stairs. I disappeared into the locker room.

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