19 - Byakuya Gang

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"Kotaro san, what happened?" - Boruto

"They got us, they cleaned out all the jewels in the safe," - Kotaro

"that case that you guys solved was just a diversion to distract us" - Konohamaru

"Seems like it's the work of these guys, who call themselves noble thieves" - Kotaro

"Byakuya Gang?" - Sarada

"They've been active with other several village there and there, they leave to trace they're anonymous, I'm about to investigate the inside the safe " - Konohamaru

"then let me come with you" - Boruto

"You really shouldn't, it's too cold without appropriating clothing" - Kotaro

"I'm trained to endure staff like that so I'll be fine" - Boruto

Then the three of them came to the safest of jewelry to investigate while Y/N is asking what happened when he's not around, and Sarada explained it to him

"Hey this flower still frozen? But its warm here" - Y/N

Then Sarada toucher the flower and some petals fall down

"I hope Boruto is okay" - Mitsuki

"He'll be, he's the one who decided that" - Y/N

"He's probably shivering in there" - Sarada


At Burger Restaurant

Shikadai is playing shogi, an the Team 7 are talking about Byakuya Gang with the Team 5 beside them

Sarada figure something so team 7 are leaving going to the library and talk about jutsu's and elements

Boruto gave them an idea and they go to Scientific inventor(idk what it calls)

"oh, how embarrassing?" - scientific guy

"Boruto you know that guy?! " - Y/n

"Eh how can't you know? He always hang around dad, he does 'weired research' and invite himself all over to the house" - Boruto

"I don't know about that seems I always come home late than you, I'm busy training" - Y/N

"yeah right, your always late" - Boruto

"Come on Young Master, I just have passion" - Scientific Guy

"but you see every time he comes, he slips me some newest game software" - Boruto

"speaking of which Young Lord, I got hold of another one" - Scientific Guy

"Yikes what kind of calling him that, Boruto we didn't come here to talk about games we still have our own business to do" - Y/N

"Your twin is here too?" - Scientific Guy

"I've been here since the beginning and you just notice me now?!" - Y/N

"Oh yeah we wanna ask you something, do you know about ice styles? " - Boruto

"absolutely using ice styles, it's possible to sneak into the safe without any trace" - Scientific Guy

"Just as we thought" - Sarada

"A gang thieves who use ice styles? How interesting" - Scientific Guy

"Have any ideas about where they might hang out" - Boruto

"I'm not sure if this help but one place come to my mind" - Scientific Guy

Then he showed them a different place that they really don't know and talk more and when he's talking about Kagemasa they disappeared

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