93 - Eida and Code

906 17 5

"Boro, You bastard. You really had disobeyed Jigen's order and preserved her. I dunno what you were plotting but that's just asking for trouble." - Code

"If you ask me, you knowing about her is more of a surprise. Why didn't you report... Boro's transmission to Jigen" - Bug

"Cuz, I wasn't sure of it until I saw her myself, plus if Boro were to incur Jigen's wrath I'd be the one who'd end up having to dispose of him. And even I don't have the heart to take him down a good natured buddy" - Code

"Yeah, right. I bet you wouldn't even blink" - Bug

"Let's wake her up, we'll talk later" - Code

"You do know, right? About her abilities?..." - Bug

"She knows everything in this world, that's all I've heard" - Code

"Quit prattling. What is it? Just spill it." - Code

His assistant just stared at Eida

"You can't make her obey using brute force. Not Eida out of all of them. She's in... A completely different class" - Bug

Code broke Eida's capsule

"Code, you bastard! I wasn't done explaining!" - Bug

"I'll ask her directly. If she defies me I'll just kill her" - Code 

They opened the shelter of where Eida's body is resting

"Morning Eida, I'm Code. Sorry to wake you so suddenly." - Code

Eida walked passed him, so Code threatened her using his ability

"Hold it right there. You can't even bother with a 'Hello'? I came here to talk to you, however... If you can't concern yourself with me, fine. I'll dispose of you as per Jigen's order." - Code

"Go ahead and try" - Eida

"That's too bad" - Code

He did the same trick but this time, he can't move his hands

'What the... I can't move my hands or rather they won't do what I tell them to do' - Code's thoughts

"See? You can't, can you?" - Eida

"I'm sorry, Code. I wasn't ignoring you. You see... I've been asleep for a long time, so... I was worried about having a bad breath" - Eida

"Bug, Guide him to the bar" - Eida

"Y-yes, Ma'am" - Bug

They're too stun to speak so they let her do what she wants

...At the Bar

"What I did lacked class... Hey, Bug. What do you think? Is she interested in me?" - Code

"Don't be stupid! You've gotten yourself ensnarved in her spell already!" - Bug

While Eida is on her way, an ally of Jigen showed up and point his handgun at her

"How did you get out of your capsule?!" - he said

"Do you really want to point that dangerous thing at me?" - Eida

He blushed and smiled at her, he's too stun to make a move

"Don't tell anyone about me, okay?" - Eida

"Y-yes, Lady Eida!" - He said and left

With Code...

"Ah... My heart is pounding harder and harder. Is this what's known as love?" - Code

"How would I know?!" - Bug

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