92 - Dead?

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"You're trying to get revenge on the guy who killed Otsutsuki Isshiki, right?" - Kawaki

"Well, look at you! I'm planning on killing atleast five people." - Code

"I killed Isshiki. It has not nothing to do with anyone else" - Kawaki

"You're not planning to let yourself killed because of that reason?" - (Y/N) butted in

"Stay out of this, (Y/N)" - Kawaki said as he looked at (Y/N) so mad, he turned his head to face Code again

"It's my fault to begin with. If I hadn't pulled out The Husk, none of this would've happened" - Kawaki added

Code laughs

"I was wondering what you were going to say, but you came all this way for that shitty proposal. You want to exchange your life for your friend's safety?" - Code said then kicked Kawaki in the stomach, and makes him kneel of how much it hurt's

(Y/N) acted fast and throwed his kunai at Code. Code easily dodge it but little did he know it's not an ordinary kunai. Code was surprised when he saw (Y/N) grabbing his kunai in mid air next to him

(Y/N) slapped him with a rasengan causing a huge explosion. (Y/N) caught Kawaki before he flew together with the explosion

"Geez, you never know what 'take it easy' means, do you? Im still not done talking to Kawaki." - Code got up while his head is bleeding

"I'll kill anyone involved in Isshiki's death, no matter who or how many there are. That also includes you, (Y/N)." - Code added then rushed at (Y/N) who's still assissting Kawaki to get up

"(Y/N-!" - Kawaki tried to warn him 

Code with the use of his white karma hits (Y/N) smashing his head throwing him far away from Kawaki. Tree's are destroyed straight to west and the end of that path is (Y/N) laying down but not unconcious

Kawaki followed the destroyed tree's, the path that (Y/N) gotten into, to caught up with the two

'This isn't your fight! Why do you keep interfering?! You keep protecting me...' - Kawaki's thoughts

There's a Black Bands/Claw marks stuck on (Y/N)'s shirt and there's Code came out blasting (Y/N)'s face

(Y/N) flew and Code got out from the Black Bands

"He's still alive" - Eida warned Code

"After those damage he received, no one can survive that" - Code

"Dont understimate someone who's in the same boat as you and Kawaki. He is also a vessel that made by an Otsutsuki." - Eida

The smoke cleared out and (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen

"See, he even turned into dus--

Code was just about to finish his words when he saw (Y/N) walked out from the forest, revealing himself with a byakugan eyes and Karma

"Whoa, whoa easy there." - (Y/N), getting cocky while wiping his blood on the face

He flashed step, then appear behind Code

"You're not even fast enough" - (Y/N) whispered

"Those byakugan eyes, Otsutsuki Momoshiki?!" - Code

"Huh? I have a Hyuga blood that flows in me, and Momoshiki Otsutsuki is not present in this battle" - (Y/N), with one blink of his eyes the byakugan is gone, same goes for the Karma

Kawaki finally caught up, with Boruto followed from behind

"(Y/N)!!" - Boruto rushed to assist his brother

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