91 - Sacrifice

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Boruto is so shocked hearing what the soldier said

But that didn't surprise (Y/N), its obvious ever since he saw those things on Ikada's body

"I might have done something horrible!" - Boruto

(A: I skipped writing/typing the entire episode 250, since its about the Funato, nothing will change)

"Ikada is Seiren's younger brother?" - Sarada

"Ikada was the apprentice from the Isle of Ship Builders, right?" - Metal

"I didn't sense anything peculiar from him when we were together. How about you Kawaki? " - Mitsuki

"How would I know?" - Kawaki

Iwabe grabbed the soldier's cloth

"Stop making stuff up! How could he be a Funato?! " - Iwabe

"No, he doesn't look like making stuff up..." - (Y/N)

"But he was very pleasant person. I do not believe that! " - Metal

"All right, then what about his reaction?" - Soldier, talking about Boruto

Boruto kneeled and shaking

"Snap out of it!..." - (Y/N) and slap Boruto gently

Boruto is back to normal facing (Y/N), his identical twin brother. Makes him feel like looking at his own face

"Take a deep breathe... Calm down. " - (Y/N) said

Boruto did what he says

"Thank's, (Y/N)" - Boruto :)

Everyone calmed down watching them before starting to ask a question

"Hey, Boruto, Do you believe what he's saying? " - Sarada

"Maybe Boruto knows something about Ikada" - Mitsuki

"(Y/N), do you know something?" - Sarada

The twins look at each other, it's hard to say revealing someone's secret

"You and Boruto know something, please tell us..." - Sarada

"You guys..." - Denki

"Ikada..." - Boruto

"You sure?" - (Y/N) facing Boruto, as he nod as a response

"Ikada's body is... Damn it!" - Boruto, suddenly punching the ground

He can't accept the fact but he have to

(Y/N) sigh

"No way!" - Sarada

"That's -" - Denki

"You've hurt Lord Ikada and driven him over the edge! You have no right to say that you don't want to continue the cycle of reveng-! " - Soldier

(Y/N) smacked the soldier down

"Stop talking already..." - (Y/N)

"I just want to avenge Kagura. I ended up becoming someone's target for revenge. And without my knowledge, I drove Ikada over the edge! I don't understand! " - Boruto

"I tried to tell you that, Revenge is not always the answer. People who seek that path, it never ends well" - (Y/N), standing up, letting go of the soldier

"(Y/N)..." - Sarada

"You're not in the battle to avenge Kagura?" - Buntan

"I do want to. But..." - (Y/N)

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