57 - Friends

758 18 5

"Please this way, Uzumaki san" - Guard

The door opened automatically

"Lord Tento is waiting at the garden" - Guard


"This way" - Guard

The door opened again automatically

"Thank's for guiding us" - (Y/N)


=With Tento=

"You book the entire hotel and the gardens?" - Boruto

"That's too much and you're the only one who's using it, well I expect that to a rich kid like you" - (Y/N)

"Feudal Lords sure do things so differently" - Boruto

"Oh, really? Isn't this pretty standard? " - Tento

"It's not like we bought the place. But never mind all that. Show me the shadow clones jutsu. " - Tento

"Oi, those are not for playing... Well sometimes it is" - (Y/N)

"Just let it be" - Boruto

Boruto made the maximum of his clones

Tento is so amazed

"There's a 5 of you! Unlike your brother, you listen so fast" - Tento

(Y/N) is pissed

"Huh? Oi can I beat this brat?" - (Y/N), holding his fist

Boruto and his clones stopping (Y/N) to beat Tento

"Oi, don't put us into a trouble!" - Boruto

"Real ninja are so cool!" - Tento

"You're definitely the son of the Hokage!" - Tento

"Anyone can do that, it's simple" - (Y/N)

"So, cool! So cool!" - Tento

"Look at him laughing so genuinely" - Boruto whisper

"Yeah..." - (Y/N)

"He still just a kid" - Boruto

"But you know, I hear the Hokage can make over a thousand clones" - Tento

"Yeah... He's the only one can do that, while me I can only make less that 50 or more than that I think? Well sometimes it depends on how much chakra you have. " - (Y/N)

"Compared to both of you, this is pretty lame" - Tento

"Sure, say whatever you want" - (Y/N)

"Next is the one where you transform" - Tento

"The transformation jutsu, (Y/N) you do it" - Boruto

"What kind of transformation do you want?" - (Y/N)

"Anything!" - Tento

"Do 'That thing' " - Boruto

"That thing?" - (Y/N)


"Now, you two really look alike! Can't tell who's real Boruto! " - Tento

(Y/N) transform to Boruto

"Why didn't you do that thing?" - Boruto

"He's rich, he may already get used to those things!" - (Y/N)

"I bet you don't have any friends!" - Boruto, he pointed at Tento

"Huh? Aren't we friends?" - Tento

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