Somethings Wrong

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I was laying in a tang top with shorts rolling over my bed not falling asleep properly. I groan as I reach for my phone grabbing it checking the time showing 3am. Ugh. I got up from my bed heading to my bathroom rinsing my face with cold water. I looked up seeing a image of mascara running down my cheeks as I shut my eyes quickly opening them seeing my face clean. I need to forget about that day, why is it so hard!

I grabbed the towel dabbing my face as it was dried feeling frightened from the thought of my past coming back.

I opened my door seeing the hallway pitch black. Something was just wanting me to go into Jai's room and i couldn't even control it. I turned the knob of his door opening it and shutting it silently behind me.

I walked my way to the other side of his bed. I laid down beside him looking at him peacefully sleeping. I shifted over a bit hoping not to wake him up but it was too late. His eye lashes were flickering open as I bit my lower lip.

"Lexi?" He said in his sleepy voice which was sexy.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't sleep because I was scared so I came here and didn't want to wake you up." I told him.

"It's okay come here." He said with his arms open.

I laid down placing my head of his chest as he put his around me as if he's trying to protect me. My heart was beating faster as I thought I was going to stop beating. It was so weird and confusing.

"Don't worry I'm here okay?" He mumbled kissing the top of his head as my eyes were slowly closing as I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I woke up feeling a tight grip wrapped around me as I was confused but then saw that beautiful face of his as I grinned remembering everything.

He was snoring softly as I ran my fingers tracing his face noticing small features of him which I couldn't even tell from the videos or posters I had of him. Why does Jai make me feel like this? It's different, and I don't like it at all.

He began shuffling around telling me he is waking up as his eyelashes flickered showing his big brown eyes.

"Goodmorning." He yawned.

"Good morning." I replied as we were still on the same position.

"Are you still scared?" He asked me.

I looked at him and then placed my head back on his chest not replying.

"Thank you for this, but I think I should go down now." I told him as k was getting off his bed but he grabbed my wrist causing me to stop walking.

I stopped as I turned around facing him admiring his morning look.

"Do you want to go bowling with me today?" He asked me nervously.

Is he asking me out?

"Like a d-date?" I stuttered.

"Um, you can call it that if you want." He shrugged.

"I don't know I never been on one really, but I guess so." I smiled at him as he looked up mirroring my image.

"Great, be ready by 6." He said and I nodded going out of his room bumping into someone.

I looked up seeing Luke as I remembered last night.

"Good morning." I said.

He rubbed his head groaning which is a side effect for the pill I gave him but he will be fine.

"We didn't do anything right?" He asked me.

"Um no?" I uncomfortably laughed acting obviously.

"Okay good, it was just a dream." He breathed out in relief as I bit my lower lip trying not to laugh.

"Where's Danny?" He asked me.

"Um you guys had a fight and I don't know what happened after that but she wasn't here last night, but you were with some chick, I think you had some fun with her." I lied.

His eyes widen as he had the look of guilt and regret as I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry just talk to her about it, it's better to tell the truth than to lie to her." I told him patting his shoulder walking towards my room.

Luke's POV:

I fucking cheated on Danny with another chick. Oh my god what the fuck is wrong with me. I knew I should've went after her and solved it out rather than letting her get away. But she has been acting differently after Lexi came over, but I'm still her boyfriend, but probably not going to be after I tell her the truth.

I went to the bathroom freshening up to make my way to her place.

Wish me goodluck.


"What do you want?" She snapped at me as she walked to her couch as I silently followed looking at my feet.

"What did you do?"she asked me sitting on her couch looking at me nervously.

"Look before I tell you I want to tell you that I was really drunk and I don't know what got over me okay?" I began as she was already getting tears falling down her cheek.

"No you didn't! Please don't tell me you did." She cried.

"Danny I'm sorry I don't even know who the girl was or what happened but I thought it was a dream but it ended up being real. I love you baby." I told her coming closer to her as she put her hand out infront of me stopping me.

"Get the fuck out." She said not giving me eye contact as I looked at her face seeing how much I broke her.

"Danny please." I said.

"No Luke, we are done goodbye." She told me as I took a good look at her face not believing this happening as tears were falling down my face as well.

I got up walking my way out the door.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered before closing the door walking out letting the tears slip down my cheeks.

She just broke up with me, and it's all my fault.

Danny's POV:

The guy I thought was the love of my life who him and I have been dating for 2 years talking about our future together with a happy family, just told me he cheated on me.

Our whole relationship was getting weaker ever since that Lexi came over. I know there is something wrong with her, and I will find out. I got up and walked to my room opening my cupboard picking up the evidence in the plastic bag as there were two smoked cigarettes.

I knew the boys had a party last night as I decided to stop by but then noticed the police and a dead body, I stayed back and everyone was gone including the police as I looked around seeing two cigarettes on the ground as I decided it could be something. I guess I'll take this to the station and ask them to do a test on it to see if it matches Lexi's.

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