XXVII: Game plan

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Lilith entered the room first and she immediately saw that the eldest prince and the young prince were the first ones inside. She gave them a bow and a smile as she started to move in their direction. She sat down beside Jimin, whose eyes widened a little at the fact that she was going near him. "Are you feeling better now?" She asked him.

The young prince nodded his head. "Yes. I'm feeling much better." He answered, brushing one hand through his hair to pull it back. "I apologize for bothering you last night. I thought I will still be able to talk to you, even though I'm already wasted." He added, with a shy smile.

Lilith chuckled a bit, and Jimin widened his eyes once more, after hearing the sound of her laughter that felt like it has been quite a long time since he last heard it. "That's okay. You more behave when you're asleep, so I forgive you. Don't worry." She joked, making the eldest prince laugh too since he was busy listening to their conversation, but when the others started entering the room, he stood up to walk towards Namjoon, which leaves the two of them alone on one side of the long table. "What were you about to tell me last night, anyway?" She asked him when they were already completely inside their little bubble.

The king also entered after everyone, so Jimin glanced in his direction before answering the lady. Suga's attention was immediately situated towards the two of them, watching them with a serious gaze as he strides towards his sit. The young prince returned his attention to the woman beside him. "Well, if you don't have anything else to do after the meeting, can we talk about it over supper?" He asked, with hopeful eyes.

Lilith took a minute before she nodded her head, causing a bit of panic towards Jimin with her quick silence, scared that she might disagree, but the woman just thought of the things she might do for the rest of the day and she could only agree once she figured out that she was free from activities afterward. "Sure. For as long as you won't sleep on me again. You're quite heavy, you know?" She teased once more.

Jimin's chuckle caused his eyes to form an inverted crescent moon, which also led his cheeks to raise with a tiny tinge of pink. "Yes. No alcohol for me tonight." He assured the woman. Lilith gave him another smile, before moving her seat closer to the table to start focusing on the people in front, that was Namjoon and Taehyung.

Nathalie was the last person to enter the room, after a few minutes of calming herself down. She wasn't sure why her chest feels heavier than usual, and she found it confusing because she didn't have a soul to even feel any emotional discomfort to start with. The nervousness, agitation, and excitement she would feel were only caused by the meat suit she'd been embodying, but the words and attitude that she just received from Taehyung, made her want to cry so bad. It was the first time she felt that way after five years of pretending and practicing to be a real human, and it all started when she spent the night with the man in Coterie City. It's only right at this moment, that she noticed how affected she was becoming. She made her way to the empty sit beside the eldest prince, who was now back on his seat too after helping the right hand to prepare the projector.

"So, where should we start?" The king asked, reclining back on his chair after seeing that Lilith and Jimin had already stopped talking to each other.

"Your royal highness, your majesty, Mafia leaders, and everyone else," Namjoon spoke, greeting them. "Our plan for the attack starts now." He announced, and that was Taehyung's signal to pop up a video on the screen. It was yet another camera footage, but this time it was in a bird's view perspective, which seemed like it was from the cameras attached to road posts.

"Before we start, I would like you all to see this footage of the exact time when the princess escaped." He started, before pointing to the first video. "This was a hill nearby the Palace, according to Sir Namjoon. I've found the rescuer standing next to another man who I think might look familiar, especially to us Mafia people." He paused the video before zooming it in. It was a slender man in a black suit and his hair styled in a quiff. Taehyung looked towards the mafia queen whose eyes suddenly fired with anger, waiting for her expected recognition.

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