Chapter 5: Time of Death

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~Merricks pov ~

"Merrick?" Keagan asks me while I sit in he command room." Ya?!" I reply.

"Hesh and Skylar are gone and one of our helicopters are missing. "He says waking over to the table. "I found papers in Heshs room, looks like their going after Rorke.

I sigh. "Shit.....well Keagan gather the team, ask Elias if he wants to come."" Yes sir" Keagan says before leaving.

Ten minutes later the team assembled in front of me. I filled them in and we got on the helicopter and went after our guys.

"Now we need to be careful out here. We are entering Federation territory." I warn them.

After we descended from the helicopter we found tracks . Kick was our best tracker so I told him to lead the way. After 15 minutes of walking we heard gunfire.

"Damit they must have been seen!" Elias yells.

As we run we find Skylar and Hesh taking cover behind a building. "OK who searched my room!" Hesh yells when he sees us. Keagan raised his hand. "If we live through this I'm gonna kick your ass!" Hesh shoved Keagan a bit.

~20 minutes later~

"We're getting pinned down here! Where the hell is Air....." Kick stopped mid sentence after being shot in the Shoulder.

"KICK!" Skylar and I yell.

~Skylar pov ~

I rush over to kicks limp body. "We need to get him out of here!" I yell to Merrick who was closest.

Finally the predator drones came online and Lohan targeted the enemy. 

"Bulls eye!" Logan cheers triumphantly.

After the predator attack our helicopter landed. We carried kick aboard.

I was sitting next to Hesh and Merrick came up to us. "What the hell were you thinking!  You guys could have been killed!" He yelled at us.

"Merrick stow it!" Elias commanded.

Merrick sat back down.

Back at the base we were all waiting in sick bay to here about kick.

~doctors pov~

I knew from when they brought him in he wasn't going to make it.

"We're losing him!" A doctor yelled.

"Charge 100%......clear!"

We tried 5 times.

"Time of Death 9:29 pm" I say.

As I walk out all the men stand up.i sighed. "I'm sorry, he was dead the moment you brought him in, he lost too much blood."

"No....NO don't you say can still save him.!!!!" Merrick yells and pushed me against the wall.

"Merrick calm down!" Elias said as he grabbed Merrick off me and dragged him down the hall, exiting sick bay. The rest of the team following.

"Goodbye young one....or shall I say kick. Sorry I couldn't do anything. "

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