Chapter 7: Out of Control

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~Heshs pov ~

"Merrick is the mission still on for 0500?" I ask while walkig up to him. "Ya, we're leaving in 10" He replies to me. I nodded.

It has been a week since Kick died and logan isn't the same still. It was either because of seeing the hole again or he's confused.

As I meet everyone at the helicopter, we climb in and look over our mission.

"Our job is to gather as much in tell on the enemy. Rorke has been quiet since Heshs accident but still, keep and eye out." Merrick informs us.

That accident was the worse I had. I look over to Lohan who was sweating and fiddling with his knife. "Better keep an eye on you...." I think to myself.

~logans pov ~

"What did that Rorke mean, kill Skylar. Was I actually going to do it. Was this his plan all along.....Wait for the perfect time to activate the brainwash. I can't think properly."

As we reached the ground Merrick told me to snipe from up on the hill. I nodded and walked.

When I got the my position I saw a group of feds coming. I checked the rest of the area through my scope. Keagan went to a door and walked in. "Must be the control room "

My scope then gazes down to Skylar."kill Skylar " the voice goes on and on in my head. I'm sweating to death.

~Heshs pov ~

I look up to check on my brother only to see him aiming at Skylar. I run up to stop him. As he shoots I push him to make him go off aim. "SKYLAR! " I hear Merrick yell.

On this mission I brought a sedative , I brought it cause I sensed something wrong with him.

I injected logan. He falls to his stomach, struggling to get up, breathing little gasps. Then he passes out.

I carry Logan and set his body down by a rock. The federation dudes retreats after seeing Skylar shot. I rush over to Merrick who was kneeling by Skylar. She got shot in the stomach. Thank god.

Merrick gets up " What the hell is wrong with him!" Pointing over to logan. "I'm not sure.....but I bet it has something to do with finding Logan in that hole the other day. ...and Rorke." I say.

We loaded Skylar and Logan into the helicopter with us. "Keagan did you get what we need?" "I have it but it's still decoding the file." He says back staring at the screen.

As we reach the base Dad sees me carrying logan. He let Merrick go inside with Skylar, with Keagan close behind.

"What happend? " He asks helping me set logan down. "He went out of control, he shot Skylar. If I hadn't stop him she would have Been dead. He nods. "Do you know how hard it is to stop your own stick a needle in!" I say almost tearing. I didn't want an answer. I got up and I always do. "I'm no ghost.....I'm a coward. " I say to myself.

I sit there on my bed wondering if should I stay with the ghosts or leave to fight my own war.....

Hey guys thanks for all the views!!! And all the votes too. I know I put a cliffhanger there but I want to see what you guys think! Leave your answer in the comment section and you'll be sure to find out in the next 1-3 chapters.

It starts now..3....2.....1..... go!!! ;)

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