"How boring~~~...You know that I can enter again-"

"Don't you dare to come in or else I will never help you!!!" Sana shouting.

"Tsk....Alright then~.."

After 40 minute,Sana going out from the bathroom..As she walking out,she saw Tzu who only wear a bra and pants laying down on her bed.

"Yahh!!!Wh-why are you like that?!And,who give you permission to lay down on my bed?!"

"Well...I've been like this for 40minute.."(Tzu wake up and walking toward Sana making Sana back off to the wall and Tzuyu lean her body closer to Sana just wear a towel)

"W-what are y-you doing?" Sana gulp.

"Huh?You just asking me why am I half naked just like this....My shirt left inside the bathroom and you didn't allowing me to come in." Tzu lean her face and whisper to Sana.

"G-get out!!" Sana push her.

"Tsk...I wanna taking a shower.." Tzu enter the bathroom.

"Yahh!How could a ghost take a shower?!"

(Tzuyu looking back)
"Do you want to find it out??Then come with me." Tzu smirking and enter in the bathroom.

"Y-yah!!Wuah!!This is my house,and you just do whatever you want without my permission?!"

"What do you say???I can't hear you???" Tzu shouting from the bathroom.

Arghhh this girl really-.....Nevermind!

Sana looking for her cloths and wearing it..After that she laying down on the bed and playing with her phone..
After 10 minute,Tzu step out from the bathroom wearing her cloths.

(Sana looking at Tzu)
She...Don't bring any towel with her,right..

"Yah..Tzu...Are you taking shower or what?"

"Mmm??Can't you see my hair is wet??"

"Well then,why are you still wearing the same shirt?"

"Do you think I have any??Tsk..I've been wearing this for 6 months you know..." Tzu mumble.


Sana heading to her closet and find some shirt and pants.

"Here,wear this.." Sana giving the cloths to Tzu.

"Woah really??(Tzu suddenly messing Sana hair)..You also cute when being a good girl." Tzuyu chuckled.

"Yah stop it!!!" Sana pouting her mouth.

"Wait-...Did you just pouting your mouth?"

"No..I'm not.."

"Tskk..You really good at lying...Well i'm changing now."

Tzu open her shirt in front of Sana making Sana look away and cover her face with her palm.

"Yah!!Can't you changing at the bathroom??"

"Wae???Pftt(Tzu giggle)..Why you are you so shy??Ahh~~~..You love my body,Isn't it?Well I can show you if you want.." Tzu teasing Sana.

"C-can you please stop teasing me...I'm heading out now.." Sana leaving her bedroom.

Sana going downstair and heading to the living room..She turn on the television and watching a drama..
At the same time,Yeri also home.

"Hii Miss.."

"Ahh are you home?"

"Yes miss..Now i'm going to prepare dinner."

Catoptric Tristess [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora