"Dj, isn't that your Mom?" Normani said as she pointed at a woman waving at the Polynesian by the hallway.

"Oh shoot! I totally forgot, we're going to LA for a few days. I'll see you soonest!" Dinah said as she hugged both girls.

"Bye, keep safe." Normani said as Lauren gave her a soft smile.

"Can I be honest?" Lauren sighed, Normani gave her a reassuring smile.

"It was my fault why the date ended up badly." Lauren confessed.

"Camila told me what she felt sincerely, and I kissed her and cut her off then said I was sorry." Lauren mumbled.

"What the heck is wrong with you? Don't you like her as well?!" Normani exclaimed.

"I do like her too!" Lauren replied.

"I confessed to her Mani, I told her who I really am." Lauren sighed.

"She got scared?" Normani asked as they entered Lauren's car.

"I don't know. All I remember is that she was shocked, and she kept pacing back and forth and all that then she said I was right we couldn't happen." Lauren mumbled.

"Did she say why?" Normani said.

"I don't know, she was probably scared of me. But I wasn't gonna kill her or something, Mani I like her. I've never felt this way before." Lauren confessed.

"I wanted to come clean on our first date, Camila was so accepting. You all accepted me for who I am, despite the you know difference down there." Lauren mumbled shyly. The green-eyed girl was born different, it was another thing she hated about herself. She hated a lot about herself, but with Camila reassuring her? She learned to accept things as it is.

"Laur, we don't care if you were born with a different drive or anything. We still love you, and we will always do." Normani said, hugging her bestfriend.

"So yeah. I wanted her to know the real me, I confessed. But I never really said I was a Vampire, I only showed her my nonexistent shadow and she got shocked. She did mention saying she imprinted on me, then all she said was I was right. We couldn't be together, then left." Lauren mumbled, the blue-haired woman then slapped her bestfriend's knee.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Lauren exclaimed.

"You idiot!" Normani groaned.

"What did I do?!" Lauren said.

"Gosh Lauren. Did you know what that means?!"

"Mani, if I do am I going to-"

"You fucking idiot, she marked you. She imprinted on you! You're bound to be together." Normani exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked dumbfounded.

"Oh no." Normani mumbled in realization.

"Laur, she's right. You can't be together." The blue-haired woman asked.

"Why? I clearly don't understand." Lauren chuckled.

"She's a werewolf. She imprinted!" Normani exclaimed. Lauren felt like a bucket of cold water had gotten splashed into her.

"Fuck." Lauren said as she bumped her head on the stearing wheel.

"Fuck indeed." Normani said.

"Does that mean Dinah?" Normani said while Lauren looked at her.

"It could be.." Lauren said.

"How could I forget that imprinting is a werewolf's thing?!" Lauren groaned.

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