"Eh? American bodyguards?" Tsukishima looks at me as they start to drive, following the directions I gave them beforehand.

"My parents love them, we hire them for everything. The speak a little bit of Japanese as well." I smile. Tsukishima reaches over and takes my hand in his, running his fingers over my knuckles.

"That's cool. You know, you always see African Americans on American TV shows. A lot of them seem tall and obviously muscular if they play sports. But seeing it up close...they're huge." Tsukishima stares at the bodyguards. The one in the passenger seat slowly turns around, giving Tsukishima a weird face.

"Don't be stereotypical." I reach over, hitting his arm with my free hand. "They're buff because they work out for their job. They have to protect people, they can't be weak."

"Thats right, tell him Sumi." Adam, the one driving, says in Japanese.

"Period." I reply in English, making the two burst out laughing.

"They understood that? Also, what's 'period'?" He frowns.

"I told you, they speak some Japanese." I giggle. "And 'period' is slang in America. I don't really know how to explain it." I frown.

"It's like saying, that's the end of the story. For example, if I was arguing with you what the best type of juice is. I'd say: 'Apple juice is way better than orange juice. Period." David, the bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat, explains.

"Wow...they speak better Japanese than you Gaijin." Tsukishima's eyes widen in amazement. "Thank you for the lesson." He bows his head to David.

I gasp, hitting him.

"Take that back!" I demand, hitting him lightly again.

"Okay, okay. I was joking, you obviously speak better than them." He puts his hands up in surrender, causing me smirk.

"That's what I thought you said." I cross my arms, huffing.

"We're here." Adam announces, pulling up in front of Tsukishima's house.

Both of us get out and Tsukishima grabs his things. I wait on the sidewalk for him as he walks over to the passenger window, bending down to be eye level with David.

"You guys don't need to stay, she will be spending the night at my house." Tsukishima says and my eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" Adam says, raising his eyebrows.

"You heard the man!" I grin, grabbing Tsukishima's arm and pulling him up to his doorstep. "Bye Adam, David! Take care!" I grin as Tsukishima unlocks the door and we go in his house before the two could protest.

"I can't believe you did that." I smile at him as we take our shoes off.

"Me either, honestly. Let's hurry upstairs." He grins. "I'm home!" He shouts as we run upstairs together.

"Welcome back!" Is heard before Tsukishima shuts and locks his door.

We look at each other for a moment before he dips down and kisses me, both of us eager to have each other's lips on our own. I'm caught off guard when he picks me up and lays me on the bed, getting on top of me.

"I really did miss you." He mumbles before connecting our lips once again. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip and I part them, allowing him to take whatever he wants.

I feel him trail a hand down my side and then fiddle with the hem of my shirt. I dart my tongue out as well and he wraps his lips around the muscle, lightly sucking on it. Heat crawls up my cheeks, not expecting that.

Sun and Moon- Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now