The First Chat

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loveexists?: Hey, interesting profile..amazed to find a profile different from the lot. Mithun here..would love to connect and know more, if you are interested that is..hoping that you’d revert..

noturavgbloke: Hi! can say likewise about the profile. Krishna here.

loveexists?: wasn’t actually expecting you to reply back..glad you did..I love A R Rahman’s compositions bdw..which of his album would you say was his best if I may ask?

noturavgbloke: you read the whole profile description! that’s well…different…and I am pleased to say the least…glad to know that you like his compositions as well.. its difficult to choose like one album but there’s this album in tamil that he did that was magical at a different level…Alaipayuthe…it was so fresh for that time…i was in school and had this album on loop in my audio mom was bored to death after a point of time…

loveexists?: It really was magical…it had a variety, ranging from traditional folk to the carnatic alaipayuthe to the pop track of engengum and then words are less to explain the 3 romantic compositions… my mom actually threw the casette out of the tape after a month…😜

noturavgbloke: hehehe…ardent Rahmaniacs, aren’t we? u r a tamilian as well?

loveexists?: no..keralite..but love tamil songs…

noturavgbloke: okie…i love malayalam movies….

loveexists?: I am glad that I initiated the talk then…

noturavgbloke: Glad you did…

loveexists?: Krishna, kinda need to rush out for some work…you wanna connect over whatsapp? Its okay if you feel it’s too quick…

noturavgbloke: Quick, yes…but cannot say No to a fellow Rahmaniac, can I? Ping me on whatsapp..the number is *******

loveexists?: hehehe….thanks mahn…shall ping you on whatsapp…chal, will talk to you tonight…would really like to know you more, fellow Rahmaniac…

noturavgbloke: Looking forward to it!

Mithun logged out of the website and’s pretty rare to find someone who didn’t talk about sex in the whole conversation..not a single question about the bullshit that is the norm..

Finally someone who I can talk to, thought Mithun while he was shutting his system and got ready to leave to meet his friends as planned. ‘Let’s talk to this guy tonight and get to know him more. Let’s see where this goes..Haven’t really had any luck here anyways..but something seems different with him..too early, I know, but I have a feeling which I cannot really fathom..’, Mithun kept thinking as he was locking his apartment door. Mithun made a mental check to return to this thought train tonight hoping that Krishna would revert back in Whatsapp..

As he was getting down his apartment to hit the road, Mithun texted Krishna on whatsapp, Hey Fellow Rahmaniac! Mithun here..this is my number..Shall talk to you tonight! Have a great day till then!

Krishna on the other hand was still looking at his mobile screen. Is this guy for real?, he kept pondering. Should I keep some distance? Did I come out too forthcoming? What if he turns out like the last guy?…thoughts clouded his mind while he stared blankly at the screen…His mom called him out to have lunch so he logged off from his computer and was wondering what to reply to the text that he just received.

Would love to know you more. Have a great day!, Krishna texted and left his room to join his parents for the lunch…

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