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「 13:24 ! sunday afternoon ! 」

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13:24 ! sunday afternoon !

the rain was pouring again today. you looked at the brown coat akaashi lent you yesterday; it was hanging on the door. you looked out the window, rain droplets hitting it by the second.

your eyes traveled to your book and your hearing focused on the loud music coming from the dorm above you.

"a party? really?" you groaned, resting your head on the open pages. rolling your eyes, you checked the library schedule and it was indeed open on a sunday. "oh thank goodness."

quickly putting on some pants, a hoodie, akaashi's brown coat, glasses and headed out of the dorm. locking it in the process.

bokuto hadn't texted you today due to the meeting he had to attend for sports. what a drag. though you were thankful. if he was here while you had to study for the quiz for your class— you probably would've gotten an F.

you opened your umbrella, and once again pitter patter of the raindrops could be heard from the plastic above. it was— relaxing to say the least. you made your way to the library, books in hand.

the weather was cloudier than usual and it was amazing. perfect time to study in your opinion. you started jumping in puddles because you were childish. one splash, two splashes, three splashes. the fourth splash was disastrous though. you didn't land right and your left foot slipped on the wet ground, falling a little.

you were mid-fall when a pair of arms went underneath your arms, supporting you and preventing you from falling. you turned around to meet familiar ocean eyes, hidden with clear lenses.

cliché, right?

"holy shit!" you stuttered, this is so awkward bye. "thanks. for that." you embarrassingly scratched your nape.

his lips curved into a smile, "you okay? you seem like you were enjoying yourself," the boy joked around.

"i was! then i fell like a dumbass," you grumbled. now the two of you were walking to the library, "this is humiliating."

"it's alright," akaashi laughed making your cheeks go red as the sunset, "i didn't want that coat to get dirty."

your eyes widened in embarrassment, along with a smile, "oh... right..."

of course he caught you because you were wearing one of his coats. stupid stupid stupid.

no words were spoken after that. just a quiet walk between two young adults under their own umbrellas, making their way to the tranquil building.

once you reached the steps to the library, he went in front of you. akaashi opened the door and let you walk in first, feeling the cozy warmth of the building.

both of you made your way to your regular seats and sat down, pulling books out and enjoying each other's company.

"are you studying for the quiz?" akaashi asked, looking over at your notes.

library love story . akaashi keiji! ✓Where stories live. Discover now