wasn't about you

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it's been a week since akaashi mentioned a new job; it has also been a week since akaashi mentioned his ex from high school was back in town

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it's been a week since akaashi mentioned a new job; it has also been a week since akaashi mentioned his ex from high school was back in town. it baffled you how this man had an ex girlfriend in the first place, he looked like a shy kid in high school.

the library he was working at was 20 minutes from your university. he didn't exactly invite you to see him work but you wanted to anyway. you were going to "check out books", but replace "books" with "his ex".

you saw how red his cheeks got at the mention of hamasaki's name. you haven't even met the girl yet but she was already one up-ing you from the get go.

you invited bokuto to the library, he said no at first but once you told him how his akaashi's ex was working there too, how could he deny? the only person the setter mentioned having an ex to was konoha! everyone was surprised (in the weirdest way possible).

so there you two were, at the quaint library in the middle of the city. bokuto was walking around while you were on the lookout for workers organizing books that fit the category of "hamasaki chieko".

"there are no girls here y/n," bokuto groaned, "are you sure akaashi and his ex are working together?"

"yes! he even told me himself dumbass," you rolled your eyes. as you finished the movement, a familiar tall figure was walking over with a little book cart right in front of him, "shit, shit, shit, it's akaashi."

"okay be cool, be cool."

"bo!" you hit him on the arm, "be cool! be cool!"

"i just said that!"

akaashi walked over and pushed his glasses upwards, "y/n? bokuto-san? what are you two doing here?" he asked with a smile, "i didn't forget any studying thing did i?"

"hhhhhheeeeeeyyy!" you said awkwardly, cursing yourself mentally, "oh um! bokuto and i were just checking out some books and we figured since your worked here! we uh..."

"we just wanted to check the place out," the ace finished for you, "just keep doing what you're doin' akaashi, we'll be around!" he bid goodbye and the both of you turned around.

"alright, let me or chieko know if you need anything," the setter said with a calm voice.

bokuto's and your head turned around almost at the same time at the mention of her name. bokuto was intrigued while your stomach was doing cartwheels due to nervousness and insecurity. i mean, if akaashi, your crush, talked so highly about her, they're just... civil, right?

"who's chieko?" bokuto questioned/lied. he knew who chieko was.

"the other worker over there, black hair," the setter pointed to a worker in another isle, "hamasaki! hey!"

bokuto and you looked at each other and gulped. when his ex walked over, your jaw dropped to the floor as if it was a cartoon. your palm hit your mouth roughly earning a slapping noise from it. your eyes widened as if you saw a ghost. fuck, this is his ex?


"this is y/n, and the other is bokuto," akaashi introduced the two of you to her."

"hey bokuto, hey y/n!"

"it's l/n," you corrected her in an obnoxious manner.

"oh! sorry!" she apologized, "i'm hamasaki chieko, call me chieko or chi or eko or hama, whichever!" she greeted politely, "i've heard so much about you!"

you could tell she was a year older than the 2 of you and two years older than akaashi. you shook her hand, bokuto did the same and smiled at her. however, you forced a smile. yes, there's nothing to hold against her but... still!

"uh l/n," bokuto mocked, "better go check out some books! we're part of uh... book club! bye akaashi! bye chieko-san!" he waved them off and pushed you away to another isle as he pretended to look around for books.

you couldn't help but check them out and how they fit so well together. tall girl + tall boy. pretty girl + pretty boy. literary inclined girl + literary inclined boy. come on! match made in heaven.

"that's his ex?" you questioned with a tight lip, "welp, my chances with akaashi are as good as done."

"don't say that!"

"but it's true," you rolled her eyes, "actually no! no! i like him and he likes me... i think? but it can still work!" you hyped yourself up. it was a lie.

bokuto chuckled, "that's the spirit! okay let's actually borrow some books so that we don't look suspicious in front of them."

you nodded while grabbing random books you deemed interesting off of the shelves. your hands touched the title but your eyes were elsewhere. it found akaashi and chieko again, much closer than earlier.

something in your mind clicked, it looked familiar.

it looked like how the two of you met for the first time in the university library.

maybe the library love story wasn't even about the two of you in the first place.

maybe the library love story wasn't even about the two of you in the first place

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library love story . akaashi keiji! ✓Where stories live. Discover now