my sweet girl

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hey y/n 😇

hi omg

sorry i'm an anti


LMFAO it's a kpop
song i've been listening
to lately😊😊😊


we should go
to a concert

when you're not
as busy anymore

how are classes
you 2nd year


they're definitely
very very hard!!!!!!!!

oh really now


so many pre requisite
classes like

as an art major you're
telling me i still have
math and science classes?!

i mean

you still ARE a second

i think next year for
you is when you're
doing those upper division

yep yep trrruuueeeeee


how are your classes
you freshie 🤣

okay first of all don't
call me that because it
seems weird when it
comes to us


and second i think it's going
good definitely harder than
high school no???

oh definitely
the transition sucks

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