when he finally admits

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keiji 🧸
i think i still like y/n


you think or you know

and is y/n the girl you
won't shut up about like
6 months ago

keiji 🧸
i know

yes that is her

wow you are lucky
it's saturday because
we can talk about this
ALL day

keiji 🧸
why are you awake

i wanted to play val

keiji 🧸

but yes

i like her

i know i do

this is so fucking stupid

it's stupid because???

oh i know

because you cannot move
on from everything that you &
y/n did

AND you thought chieko's
reappearance would do something
to you but ACTUALLY it
strengthened your feelings for
y/n even more

AND now you are not sure if
you can get her back bc you've
more than likely made her insecure
by making her your 2nd choice but
in reality she was always ur 1st choice
even before chieko came and especially
when chieko came

but i don't know man

keiji 🧸
wow you are a really
good listener

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