PSA, warnings, and cliches

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{quick warning--this was the first novel I have ever completed & while it is not entirely cliche, it contains a lot of fairly cliche moments and isn't my finest accomplishment. nonetheless, I am keeping it up as a reminder than I can complete a novel in a month. if aforementioned cliches and such will bother you, don't feel obligated to read and/or leave rude comments. thanks :) }

Reminder to you reading this book: You're exquisite. Not in a cheesy way that I would tell you that in a movie, while smiling at you like we've never been strangers. You're exquisite for the way you laugh and your eyes crinkle at the corners. You're exquisite for the way your eyes light up when you talk about your passion. You're exquisite for the way your smile is the catalyst for someone else's. You're just pretty darn incredible, alright? Don't forget that!

Now you can proceed.

Hello, welcome, welcome. Before we get any further into this story, I would like to say thank you for choosing this book to read. I know there's a huge market of books out there and you've chosen mine! I'm honored, truly.

Joking aside for now, I will be putting quite a bit of time an effort into writing this story so please do not use anything in this story without my permission. This site is the only place where this story appears so if you see it elsewhere, please inform me :)

My sincerest apologies for any plot-holes, character issues, and cliché moments. See, being the genius I am, I've decided to write this story in a month. I know what you're thinking, But Julia, you don't have to tell us that in case you don't have it finished in a month. All very valid points, my dear reader, but I would know and that would make all the difference.

authors note update: it's now near the end of said month and the story is one chapter away from being completed. Cliché moments have generally been avoided and character issues have been resolved. With that in mind, please don't be scared off of this novel because of the short time frame in which it was written. I worked very hard on this in order to make it a great book for y'all :)

Quick, friendly reminder that this is my original story and I have put a lot of time into developing my characters, plot, etc.

So that being said, if you take my words and claim them as your own, I will make like Liam Neeson and I will find you and I will kill you.

I am a writer, quite possibly running on coffee and very little sleep because writing and reading is more important than sleep. So don't steal my story. I swear guys, I'm trained in the ancient art of origami. That means I can take you down.

So if you have just begun this and end up liking it, it's your lucky day (month?) because I will be updating it daily!

So please, grab yourself some popcorn, find a nice comfy chair and begin! Thank you for reading!

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