Chapter 25 | how to lose the fight

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I'm a naturally sarcastic person. This means that if I'm in the midst of a verbal fight, I can hold my own. A physical fight? Not so much.

Detention is officially something out of a horror film. In a bunch of movies, it's where the great things happen. The band gets formed. The strangers become best friends.

Not here. At Stonewall High, detention is officially where hopes and dreams go to die. I was dreading it enough after Shelby's threat, but in addition to best friend Asher is here. When I say best friend, I mean his fist and my face are very closely acquainted.

The two of them have been leaning together, whispering across their desks. They're probably conniving--trying to figure out the best way to hurt me. They can't physically hurt me though; there's a teacher in the classroom. Even they wouldn't dare to pick a fight under the teacher's watchful eye.

Suddenly the teacher--a tall, balding man that looks about seventy--stands up and stretches. "You kids behave yourselves. I'll be right back."

I groan at his naïvety, knowing that his absence cannot possibly mean anything good for me.

Immediately after he exits the classroom, Asher stands up and cracks his knuckles--the picture of nonchalance. However, I know better. When he starts toward me, I wince but I'm not surprised. Shelby and Asher are truly the ultimate duo. She doles out the insults, he throws the punches. My breathing quickens as he walks closer, Shelby behind him.

"Stop!" A nervous voice squeaks from the front. Surprised, my head swivels to the side to locate the speaker. The poor girl looks terrified, almost caught off guard by her own boldness. "T-the teacher will be back a-any moment," she mumbles, her boldness fading as she stutters out her next words. I feel a pang of sympathy for her, thankful that she spoke but also aware that she's made her life harder.

Asher's eyes narrow on her, "What's your name?"

"Caroline," she mumbles, studying her hands. I bite my lip, suddenly nervous for her. I don't recognize her, which probably means she's one of the quieter ones that attempts invisibility. The poor girl probably won't be invisible much longer. She's immediately going to make it onto Shelby's "less fortunate" list. I cast her a quick sympathetic look, mouthing a "thank you."

Her words won't stop Asher from pummeling me. However, they did delay it for a moment...and well, it's always nice to have someone on your side.

Asher just laughs as he turns away from her, "Well, Caroline, thank you for informing me of this. Unfortunately, you're wrong. He'll be gone for another fifteen minutes. The old man is predictable--this happens every detention."

She shrinks back into her seat, eyes widening as he casts her a final look. Then he turns to me.

"Long time no see."

"It hasn't been long enough," I retort, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

He grits his teeth, reaching out and grabbing my collar and pulling me out of the desk. My knees slam against the top of the desk and I bite back a cry of pain. Then he drops me and I land on the hard tile floor.

"You don't ever learn, do you Ashley?" He aims a punch my my nose and I try to duck but end up getting punched in the forehead instead. He shakes his head, kicking me in the side, "You keep acting like you actually deserve to have friends--like you deserve to be popular."

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