Chapter 7 | somebody that i used to know

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The best way to set up for disappointment is to set your expectations so low that they cannot possibly be exceeded. This is a lesson I unfortunately have never learned.

I know this by my reaction upon walking into Stonewall High on Monday. The first thing I see is Cole and Shelby leaning against the wall, seemingly in deep conversation. Cole has an arm looped around Shelby's shoulder, laughing at something she said. I can see the happiness in his eyes--it's genuine. I know because he used to look at me that way. Used to. Of course, with my foolish mindset, I had gone back to the time where I was the one he looked at like that. I was the one he wrapped an arm around and laughed with. I seem to keep forgetting that everything has changed.

He catches my eye but I turn away, unwilling to let him see that he's getting to me. He doesn't deserve to see that pain in my eyes and know that two years later he still has a hold on my heart. He doesn't deserve to know that my relationship with him has contributed to so many trust issues.

Clearly our relationship--if you could even call it that--is different nowadays. Insults have replaced compliments. Arguing has replaced conversations...caring has been replaced with carelessness. I snap out of my reverie in time to hear him call her 'sunshine', my nickname.

Then I can't help but look back at them, unable to hide the feeling of betrayal. He nearly looks contrite. Then I turn around and walk away as quickly as I can before I do something dumb like cry.

I slide my books into my locker, slamming the door behind me, practically stalking to my English class. Miss Greene looks mildly shocked to see me to class early. I give her a slight smile as people start filtering in. Serena, one of the few girls I actually consider to be a decent friend, slides into the seat next to me.

A smile curls my lips upward. I can at least avoid Cole for this period. Giving Serena a cheerful smile, I ask, "how are you?" She's about to reply when a hand lands on my shoulder

"We're supposed to sit with our partners, sunshine."

"Don't call me that," I retort, shrugging his hand off my shoulder, "and no thanks. I don't really feel like being insulted today, thank you very much."

'I return to conversation with Serena as if he'd never interrupted. She gives me a quizzical look and I mouth "I'll explain later."

"Miss Greene? My partner isn't being very nice to me."

I barely have time to roll my eyes or plan his death (whichever comes first), when Miss Greene gives me a reprimanding look, "I expect you to be kind to our new student, Ashley."

"Yes ma'am," I murmur in reluctant agreement, sitting down next to Cole moodily. I cross my arms, glaring at him. He has the nerve to look quite proud of his acting skills.

"Look, you don't like me, I get it. The feeling is mutual. So let's just try to get through this with as little interaction as possible, okay?" I raise an eyebrow at him, nearly daring him to disagree. "Okay," I answer my own question, ignoring the pang I feel at the complete lie I continue to tell.

"I don't dislike you," Cole's voice is so quiet that I hardly hear it. His eyes widen slightly, as if I wasn't meant to hear that, "I mean, you're a loser, but I don't dislike you. You're fun to mess with." I roll my eyes at his lame coverup and wonder about his aversion to showing emotion toward me.

"Whatever, Cole." I fix my eyes on the teacher without moving them back in his direction. Then my eyes sweep the classroom and I realize no one else is sitting with their partners. I furrow my eyebrows, confused. Why would he pretend he has to sit with me if he doesn't have to?

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