Chapter 23 | jealous?

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He seems nearly livid, his brown eyes sparking with anger. When I don't respond, he grips my shoulder, "Ashley. How long has she been treating you like that?"

I bite my lip, glancing away, "Ever since you kissed me."

Cole's face softens immediately as he looks at me. "Ashley, I'm sorry.." The guilty look returns as he glances at me, "I guess it's my fault again, huh?"

"No." I shake my head, negating the truth of his words, "She was only pretending to be my friend anyway."

"That little..."

I shrug, "well you don't have to worry about her treating you like that anyway."

He scowls, "I don't want her attention."

"That's not what it seemed like a couple weeks ago." The words spill out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"That was different."

"How? You seemed pretty happy with her attention then."



He glares at me, crossing his arms across his chest. I imitate him.

"It was different because I was trying to replace you then, okay?" Cole replies through gritted teeth, sounding frustrated.

My retort dies on my lips before I get the chance to use it. "You were what?" I respond weakly.

He suddenly becomes very interested in the tiled hallway.

The first bell rings, warning us that it's time to get to class. I sigh, knowing that neither of us can afford to get another tardy, "this conversation isn't over!"

Cole sighs, his lips quirking up into a slight smile at my stubbornness, "Fine."

Now, one would think that from a conversation like that, Cole would have a conversation with me about Shelby and avoid her. What does he actually do? He talks to Shelby. Not only that, but by the looks of them...they're engaged in a pretty friendly conversation.

I'm careful not to assume the worst, so I do what any friend would do: I sneak closer and eavesdrop.

"Would you go with me to the winter ball?" Cole asks Shelby, giving her an amiable smile. I curl my hands into fists, silently pleading that she'll say no. There's no way she'll say no.

"Of course I'll go with you Coley-bear!" Shelby giggles, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. I gag, narrowing my eyes at her from my hiding place. She has taken advantage of my trust, bullied me, and called me a million names. Yet, she still gets the guy? Something about this is wrong. The social sphere of high school is totally out of whack. The mean girls get the guys and attention and popularity. The quiet ones--like me--get strange looks and bullying. It's unfair in a million ways. I didn't ask to be born awkward.

You know how some people say they popped out of the womb as a star? I say I popped out of the womb apologizing for the inconvenience. My mother hasn't confirmed this, but I'm pretty sure it's true. I'm the one constantly apologizing for everything. I'm constantly the awkward one.

Shelby flounces away, looking rather pleased with herself. When she passes me, she doesn't even rub in her success of getting Cole. Instead she offers me a smile. It nearly looks painful--tinged with reluctance--but it's a smile nonetheless. Cole leans against the locker, his expression unreadable.

Friends Forever, huh? Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora