I pause and stare at her. "Yes. That's the problem. Do you know me at all, Lindsey?"

"So you really aren't excited? Not even a bit?"

"I am being forced to leave with him in twelve hours. I don't even know when I'll see you again."

She sits down on my bed. "That part isn't so great, but at least you won't be alone. I mean, thinking about you out in the world by yourself worried me, but I feel better knowing that you have an Alpha by your side. And maybe I can visit you. And I'll see you when you come back to see your parents, right?"

"God, Lindsey, you're just like the rest of them. All anyone cares about is that he's an Alpha. No one cares how I feel."

"It's the mate bond. You're supposed to be feeling pretty good right about now."

"You know I can't—I can't let myself—the bond is dangerous."

Lindsey shakes her head. "Oh no, don't do this to yourself. You're going to go crazy if you try to fight it."

"Look," I say seriously, "I'm going to be real with you because you're still the only person I can trust. But, I still want to go. I still want to leave."

She stares at me.

"I know it's going to be more complicated now that I'm mated to an Alpha, but I figured that if I played along with the whole mate thing that I could eventually make him believe—"

"You're out of your mind," Lindsey interrupts. "People don't just up and abandon their mates."

I sigh. "I told him that I don't want this. He knows—"

"Don't you want to be with him?"

"It doesn't matter if I want to be with him. What matters is what I want more. Him or freedom."

"So you want him?"

"I want my freedom more."

"And why is it one or the other?" She questions.

"Because," I take a breath, "because if I go back and become Luna and love him then I'm never going to see the world. I'm never going to do everything I've dreamt of doing because he'll take over my brain. He'll be all I think about, and I can't let that happen to me. I can't submit my mind and body. I can't lose myself because of him."

Lindsey raises her brows as she comprehends my view of this.

"So you understand now, right? You get why I have to leave?"

"Brigette, no. That's not what happens. You don't lose yourself. You don't lose anything—you gain someone. It's not like I lost myself when I met Timothy; I'm still the same girl. I still want the same things and have the same dreams."

"Really? Before you wanted to see the world with me."

Lindsey says, "I would still love to see the world, it's just that I have someone else to consider. That's all that happens. You just add them to the equation."

"So you're telling me that I'll still be able to see the world with an Alpha as a mate? You're saying that I'll be able to leave him behind as I take trips for who knows how long? Could you do that to Timothy?"

She looks to the floor. "I-I don't know."

"Exactly. The two just don't work together. It's one or the other."

"But—but he's your mate."

"Yeah. But it's also my whole life."

I say one last goodbye to Lindsey and my Dad before my mother takes me back to the guest house. We walk in silence until our time together begins to run low. She starts talking about responsibilities and communication; how important it is to be patient with him, to give him a chance. "Just promise me you'll try," she says. "Don't give up right away. Just try to open yourself to the idea of it."

Usually I have plenty to say in response to my mother's advice, but this time I have no desire to speak. When we reach the guest house, she takes my hands and bundles them together between her own.

"You're a strong girl, Brigie, okay? Promise me you'll be okay."

I swallow and say, "I'll be okay. You know I will."

"I know," she murmurs and brings her arms around me. "And you'll come back soon, won't you?"

"I will, Mom. I'm sure I'll need to get away at some point."

My mother pulls back and smiles at me. She tucks a stray hair behind my ear. "Okay. You go on then. And don't worry about your things. The Alpha told me he'll have people come by in the morning for everything."

I break away and take a few steps toward the door before glancing back. "I'll see you later," I say.

She nods and covers her mouth with the side of her fist. With her free hand, she waves. I hurry inside before tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. I don't want her to think that I'm upset to leave her; I have to let her believe that I'll be okay.

I fall closed with the door and face the inside of the guest house, knowing he's here. I squeeze my eyes shut as if all the welling in my eyes will drain back. I refuse to seem weak. I refuse to seem weak. I cannot look weak.

"You're back."

I open my eyes and see the Alpha walking down the last few steps of the staircase.

"You've likely ruined your sleep schedule by sleeping into the afternoon, but we have to get up early tomorrow, so you should try to sleep some," he says.

My lips part, yet no words follow. My gaze slowly sinks from his face to the ground.

"Fine," I manage and move past him.

I climb the stairs and enter the spare room, closing the door behind me. Once I'm sure he won't follow, I reach into my shirt and pull out a small, folded stack of cash I've been hiding since I was young. My eyes fall upon my bag against the wall. Inside is the passport my parents got for me when my mother's father was dying across the country. We didn't have time to travel there through our own means because my Dad had to be back for our Alpha, so they decided we'd take planes to see Grandpa. I swiped the document from my Dad's office before I left last night. I didn't know if my mother would send it off with me, and I was right. Maybe she knew having it would only tempt me.

I stuff my money in the bag where my passport is tucked away. I also have two sets of clothes and bathroom essentials. It won't be enough to last me, but it will get me started.

With my light turned off, I sit patiently on the bed until I'm sure the Alpha is asleep. There will be a perfect time to leave—not too early and not too late. Our Alpha does not have many people out at night. We don't worry about wandering humans or rogues out here; we have never experienced anything having to do with them. My father told me how other packs have guards along their borders, how rogues or even other packs attempt attacks. If David's pack is like one of those, then there is no way I'm getting through a guarded border without risks.

I secure the strap of my bag on my shoulder before slowly sliding open the window. My heart beats relentlessly in my chest and through my ears as I climb through and onto the roof below. Steadily, I inch down the roof until I reach the edge. I turn onto my stomach and push down until the weight of my body yanks me to the grass. I scrunch my face as I drop and hit the ground. Thankfully, I don't land weird or bend a limp in a way it shouldn't be bent, but I'll have to power through the soreness that's already blooming under my skin.

Now I'm on a timer. I have to get as far as I can before he wakes and realizes I'm gone. He said there was no point in running, but if I possibly have a shot here, then I can't think about such things.

I collect myself and hurry along the side of the house. I'll be running South, so if I can cover myself in the trees, I can undress and shift. There's a Grey Hound station in Fairmont where I can take a bus to—

My eyes lift and my stomach plummets.

I swallow and stare.

"Get back inside," he says.

The Alpha stands with his eyes aimed away from me. There's defeat on his face, and despite the urge within me to run, I can't help but feel shame.

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