Chapter 9

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I told Legolas of my departure and he said that he would watch Merewen until I returned. I knew she was in good hands, for they were childhood friends, and he would never let anything happen to her. The king allowed four of his warriors to accompany me to Lothlorien. I was going to say goodbye to Merewen, but when I went to her room, she was not there. Instead, I left a note for her.

I went to my room and packed; I brought my bow and knives, for they were gifts from Haldir. At ten o’clock, the party was to set off; I arrived early to ready Harma. I walked to the gates and I saw four of the most serious elves I had ever seen. They did not smile or talk to anyone, just sat upon their horses waiting to leave. The king was there to see us off. I turned briefly, in hopes to see Legolas and Merewen, but I did not and waved goodbye anyway.

We rode until late into the night, when we stopped to allow the horses a break. They separated the watches, I asked for one, but they refused. I realized that it was because I was a woman. ‘If Merewen was here she would gratefully give me the watch,’ I thought to myself, and the thought brought a smile to my face. This thought brought on my remembrance of the note I left for Merewen.

I know that you are having a hard time as of late, and you do not know me very well, but trust me, I know you! Legolas will stay with you and help you through your days while I attend to matters of my own in Lothlorien. I have just one remaining thing to say and that ‘is never give up, no matter how hard things get,’ and remember, there are people all around you that love you.
From your friend forever and always,

The next week followed much like the first day. Ride, stop and set up camp, rest, get up and go again. I found out the four warriors were actually really nice and quite good company when given the chance. Their names were Calaglin, Erethon, Ferevellon, and Helas.

We arrived in the woods of Lothlorien, and after only a few short minutes, the party and I were very well aware of the fact that we were being followed. We halted to give the followers the impression that we meant no harm, so they could come out. When we saw them, my heart was immediately lifted of any burden.

I jumped off my horse and ran into Halidir’s waiting arms. I am usually not one for public displays, but this was an exception. When I reached Haldir, he hugged me tightly and twirled me in the air. I was so happy I started to cry softly. Haldir saw this and brushed away the tears as he had done many years ago.

“I’m glad you are home, Melamin! For I have missed you greatly!”

“I have missed you, also, my heart! I already feel the effects of your love washing away my worries.”

“And for that I am glad!” With that, he bent down and kissed me softly, and I immediately felt a warmth run through me. He pulled away and said, “Come I will take you to greet the Lord and Lady.” He held my hand in his own, gently stroking it with his thumb as he led us all to the palace.

After we greeted the Lord and Lady, they announced a great ball was to be held tonight in honour of the return of one of their kin. I was led down to the chambers by Haldir after he showed me, or more accurately, reminded me of where his room was.

He left me in my room to prepare for the ball with a soft kiss on the cheek. I was so very happy now. All my worries were pushed far into my mind. All I was left to think about was the events that the ball had in store for my love, Haldir, and myself!

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